Hello MLC Instructors!


It’s going to be an awesome first weekend of April for skiing, riding and enriching lives! The weather looks somewhat Spring-like with some snow flurries and sunny skies – check the forecast. There are people who took their Freestyle Specialist 1 this week – congratulations to those who passes and some who are taking Level II exams on Thursday and Friday this week – be sure to wish them all the best. I will be at Mt. Bachelor conducting a Level II exam on Thursday and Friday this week. The Banked Slalom is happening this Saturday on Tunnel of Love (know where that is?), so if you can get a chance to drop by and watch (or compete), it’s pretty fun! Remember you can run your teaching hours and days worked report by following this link: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/training/day-force-help/teaching-hour-report – tutorial information provided.  In this email update …


5th Grade Ski & Snowboard Days

Safety Tips

Spring T-shirts are in!

Instructor Award Nominations

Awards & End of the Season Appreciation Party – Sunday April 24

Alpine Member School Clinic – Weekend of 4/23-4/24

Spring Thunderstorms & Lightening Sighting Protocols

Exit Interviews




5th Grade Ski & Snowboard Days

If you still need to pick up some shifts to fulfill your commitment the following days would be great: April 7th, April 8th, April 12th and April 14th. We invite all Hood River County 5th graders (and some 3rd and 4th graders from the smaller schools) to join us for a morning ski and snowboard lessons with their school class. Mt. Hood Meadows donates these lessons, rentals and lift access – the schools provide the bus transportation. It’s a super fun time so please join us by signing up to work any of these days – or all of them. Add them to your schedule by clicking this link: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/schedule-change-requests or replying all to this email and we’ll add you to the schedule – please specific the dates you can join us!



Safety Tips

Warm days and cool nights make for slippery surfaces in the mornings and evenings. Please watch where you are walking, take it slow and look out for slippery spots! These occur in the parking lot, in shady spots on the runs and even in the CLC corral, especially right in front of the equipment containers. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses or goggles – the sun is bright and the air is thinner up here making the UV rays even more intense and likely to burn your skin (or eyes). Wear Gloves – I know it’s warm but skis and boards and racks and all the stuff around us are sharp. Wear gloves when doing setup especially if you are handling bamboo, carrying ski and snowboard equipment and when skiing and riding. This goes for kids too! Speak up if you see something that is not safe. We want your work place to be free from things that can hurt you especially if they are in our control, so if you see something that needs addressing, let us know!



Spring T-shirts are in!

Who gets a free spring shirt? All Active Full Time Employees in Outdoor Jobs receive one t-shirt for free. Part Time team members can purchase for $10 after we have distributed most of the shirts to ensure we have enough to those who receive a free one. Shirts should be available in laundry this week and your name is on a list to receive one. Guidelines for wearing your shirt as a uniform are only in effect until the end of season when the shirt is yours to keep. Your spring shirt is a uniform item – You must wear a nametag! – NO freeriding in your spring shirt – NO consuming alcohol in your spring shirt – NO smoking or using tobacco products in your spring shirt – Treat it just like your uniform until the end of the season.



Instructor Award Nominations

Please use the link below to nominate the Co-worker and Trainer(s) of the Year! One entry per person per award only please – supervisors and managers are not eligible for this award. Other awards for Co-worker of the year, Rookie of the Year, Alpine, Snowboard, Adaptive, Nordic & Part Time Instructor of the Year plus Guest Choice Award and Best Supporting Role (Leads) will be announced at the Awards Party. Nominations using the link below, will be voted on at the Awards Party and on-line for those who can’t make it to the party.




Awards & End of the Season Appreciation Party – Sunday April 24

Save the date! We haven’t been able to have an awards and appreciation party for 2 seasons and we are so looking forward to celebrating in person! We’ll kick things off at 4:15PM in the Sahale Lodge on Sunday April 24. We’ll have catered food, soft drinks and employee beer and wine for those 21 and older.  Please RSVP by signing up using the link below – this help us order the right amount of food – thank you!

RSVP here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/events/awards-end-of-the-season-appreciation-party



Alpine Member School Clinic – Weekend of 4/23-4/24

The Alpine Member School Clinic is scheduled for 4/23 and 4/24 – this is a clinic we offer where we bring in an outside clinician and you can earn your PSIA-AASI Education Credit for the season. We are looking at options for a Snowboard Member School clinic the following weekend if there is interest. Check the clinic calendar for Member School Clinic details … April 23: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/events/alpine-psia-member-school-clinic-4  or April 24: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/events/alpine-psia-member-school-clinic-5



Spring Thunderstorms & Lightening Sighting Protocols

If you see lightning or hear thunder please report it immediately to lift op dispatch via radio (Channel #1) or phone (ext. 1258). Relay your location and the direction of the thunder or lightning. Patrol at the top of Cascade or Patrol dispatch will confirm the sighting and relay information to lift dispatch. Any other mountain supervisors or senior mountain staff can also confirm thunder/lightning in the area. Here are some interesting and useful links: Lightening Maps Weather Bug Spark Alerts – Hood River Area National Weather Service – Mt. Hood Area Radar



Exit Interviews

Since it is nearly impossible to meet with you all individually about your season takeaways, how things went, etc. we’d love for you to share your season with us in a quick exit interview. If you have fulfilled your schedule commitment and are done teaching for the season, while the season is still fresh in your mind, please complete this exit interview at the link below. Thank you! Complete Exit Interview here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/current-staff/exit-interview



Thanks for reading all this and keeping up to date on everything! See you this weekend!





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