Mt. Hood Meadows has a scholarship program that helps our instructors attend PSIA-NW Certification Exams, Specialist Accreditations and Educational Events. The financial support is for the registration fees associated with the PSIA-NW event you wish to attend. Our scholarship monies are LIMITED each season and do not cover personal expenses like travel, food or lodging. We may offer scholarship dollars to non PSIA-NW events (i.e. USSA certifications or PSIA-AASI National events like National Team Tryouts or National Academy).

Full Time Instructor Scholarships

Be employed as a FT instructor
Be a current PSIA-AASI Member with NW Region and Mt. Hood Meadows school affiliation

Additional Considerations

  • Consistently fulfilling instructor schedule commitment
  • Exemplary attendance and consistently following department policies and procedures
  • Cross trained in other areas like Rentals or Lift Ops
  • Financial need
  • Likelihood of returning to Mt. Hood Meadows next season

Maximum Benefit (based on funds available)
Level 1 Certifications – Up to 2 written exams and 2 on-snow exams
Please see a MLC Manager to sign up for your Level 1 exams using a company credit card in the MLC Admin offices.
Both modules of a Level II or III Exam: Up to $390 (2 on-snow modules @ $185 each, plus one on-line written exam @ $20)
One Accreditation (CS, FS, SS): Up to $325
Educational Events: Up to the full amount of the event

Additional Support
If you wish to apply for an additional scholarship in a single season we will award up to $125 for 1 exam module or $200 for a Specialist Accreditation, and up to the full amount of a one-day event, based on scholarship funds available.

Part Time Instructor Scholarships

Be employed as a PT instructor
Instructing at a minimum in their second season at Mt. Hood Meadows
Be a current PSIA-AASI Member with NW Region and Mt. Hood Meadows school affiliation

Additional Considerations

  • Consistently fulfilling instructor schedule commitment
  • Exemplary attendance and consistently following department policies and procedures
  • Financial need
  • Likelihood of returning to Mt. Hood Meadows next season

Maximum Benefit (based on funds available)
Up to one Level I exam: One written exam @ $10 each, One on-snow Meadows Hosted Exam
(1) Level II or III Exam module: Up to $185 (a single PSIA-NW exam module)
(1) Accreditation (CS, FS, SS): Up to $230 (which is around $75 less than the full event fee)
Educational Events: Up to $150 (or less if covers entire event fee)

Please note: there are multiple levels of support for Level II and Level III exams, most of which are a reimbursement if you receive a passing score on the exam. There are some exceptions to this where a trainer states that the applicant has a 90% or greater chance of passing the exam, at which time a full scholarship may be awarded and the event registration fee is paid by credit card by Mt. Hood Meadows.

Application Process

  1. Complete the Scholarship Application Form here.
  2. Download the Third-party Recommendation Form (PDF), have it completed and turn it into Josey Rice, Peter Gavinski or Tyler Barnes or have the person complete the form on-line at this URL:
  3. Share the event application details on the application form and include any information regarding the registration fees for the event.
  4. Once you have been awarded a scholarship we will either
    • directly pay for that amount of the registration fee if this is a unconditional scholarship for an education event (like a Specialist Event)
    • or we will reimburse the recipient if the awarded scholarship is conditional for a certification event (i.e. an exam).
  5. If a recipient has already paid for the event, we can reimburse the recipient the awarded scholarship amount with appropriate documentation of event payment and attendance.

Application Deadline(s):

You must apply at least 3 weeks prior to the event you wish to attend. Third party recommendations must also be received prior to scholarship funds being awarded or reimbursed.


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