Freestyle Training

In-House Freestyle Accreditation

Any instructor wanting to take students through The Zoo or any other park is REQUIRED to attend a Freestyle Accreditation course.

The only exception is if you have your PSIA/AASI Freestyle Specialist 1 or higher.

This paid 2 hour on snow clinic is REQUIRED every other season for anyone wanting to access the Zoo. If you attended this clinic on snow last season, you only have to complete the quiz to become re-accredited.

Participation and a passing quiz score are both required to be accredited for taking students into The Zoo. Trainers and supervisors have a working roster of those who are allowed to take students into The Zoo.

FS Accreditation stickers are available for those who pass. See Nick Ault in the Sup Bowl.

A Level 1 in your discipline and a FS2 is REQUIRED to bring your students into ANY terrain park larger than The Zoo. Do not use Fireweed or Forest Park for groomers.

Finished your on-snow Freestyle Accreditation?

Do the Freestyle Accred Quiz!

Freestyle Training

Intro to Freestyle Clinic:

No terrain park experience required! This clinic is for those looking to enter the freestyle world in a positive, welcoming environment.

We’ve also designed this clinic for those preparing for their PSIA/AASI Freestyle Specialist 1. Click here for the PSIA/AASI Freestyle Specialist Performance Guide.

Topics covered in this clinic:

  • Using freestyle in your everyday lessons

  • Flatland maneuvers (whirly-birds, butters, ollies, nollies, switch skiing/riding)

  • Intro to POP, ATML, anatomy of features

  • Intro to jumps, boxes, halfpipe

Clinic attendees will also learn how to build progressions and teach to each other along with improving their own freestyle skills.

Check your FS Training status

FS1 & FS2 Training Status

Next Level Freestyle Clinic:

Ready to take the next step in your freestyle journey? We have just the clinic for you whether you are working on your personal freestyle skills or preparing for your Freestyle Specialist 2 Accreditation.

Topics covered in this clinic:

  • Spins above 180 including multiple spin directions

  • Spins with grabs

  • Intro to rail features

FS 2 clinics will go out based on interest of instructors looking to continue their Freestyle education. The FS 2 is a significant step up from the FS 1 in terms of more advanced skills that must be shown at an elementary stage of movement and coordination.

Ready To Get Your FS 1 or FS 2?

Let us know so we can get your accred scheduled!

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