I hope all of you enjoyed the holiday season and wish you all the best for the new year.


For those who were around this last week of the holiday break you saw some of the busiest days the resort has seen in some time.. A big THANK YOU to those who helped out by adding shifts to their schedule over the last two weeks. There were some long and challenging days for sure but when a team like ours stand together somehow everything works out!

Josey has shared numbers from our children’s learning center so far this season


We’ve had 1977 kids so far for the season, which is already about half of the total number of kids we had in the CLC for the entire 14/15 season of 3,991 kids.  1,540 of those kids were in the month of December.  Our biggest day so far this season was 12/30 with 187 kids which is our 3rd biggest day ever.  Our busiest day ever was 213 kids on 2/16/14.


Speaking of numbers, did everyone see the company update that got sent out Sunday afternoon?

Lifts – over 83,892 skier visits.

Rental –  Over 9937 ski and board rentals

Ski School – Over  6264 lessons taught

Retail – Over 9513 retail products sold

F&B –

  • 7000 Burgers
  • 1.5 Tons of Chili
  • 9000 Pounds of Fries
  • 140 Kegs of Beer
  • 450 Gallons of Coffee


The first of our mid-week programs have started this week with more starting next week. These are very popular and are among a favorite for many instructors to be involved with. Saturday & Sunday is the beginning of the Snoblaster and Trailblazer program. Weekend program signups are big for the month of January which is great news. We are looking forward to a busy weekend.

I have attached a calendar that includes every program and the dates they occur, this may be a good resource for many.


Many have been asking the question “how do I view my schedule online like I did last year” unfortunately this is not an easy quest. In the past RTP (the program that is used for lift access and instructor scheduling to name a few uses) has provided Meadows with a web portal login, similar to the snow pro portal for remote access. This season Meadows has not received this portal login option. What does this mean? I do not know yet. Our IT team is working with RTP to find a way to get this option back but as of now we do not have it.

This will require all instructors to login on the computers in the lounge to receive their daily teaching assignments.


For this weekend we will be emailing all instructors who will be involved in weekend programs. Here is a preview of morning meetings,



Snoblaster instructors meet in the Snoblaster Room (next to fresh tracks deli) for a 7:45 am morning huddle. 


Trailblazers, High School, College, or Adult Programs

If scheduled for Trailblazers, High School, College, or Adult Programs you will meet in the adult program meeting area (next to adult line-up) at 8:45 for a morning huddle.


Children’s Learning Center

Meet in the back of the clc at 8:45 for morning huddle


Adult Walk-in

Meet in the walk-in meeting at 8:45 for morning huddle



Monday 11th our management team has put together and employee appreciation event. Below are the detail!

4:15        Free Rentals for employees

4:30        Buttercup and Easy Rider re-opens to employees

4:30        Free One-run coaching / Lessons  – go to base of Buttercup, meet an instructor and get some tips

4:30        Alp re-opens to employees – Brats, chips, soda (No charge)  /  Beer @ Après pricing

6:00        Lifts close / Rentals due to be returned

6:30        Food line closes (actual time based on when Mtn ops makes it in after shutting down)

6:45        Last call (based on Mtn Ops)


We will be providing on hill coaching tips to co-workers as they rip up Buttercup and Easyrider. I am looking for a couple of instructors in each discipline to provide coaching to some of our co-workers that may not get to unitize our resort like we do to recreate. If you are interested please email me.


Saturday & Sunday will kick off our first weekend of clinics and the snow will be amazing to run these!! There will be no specific clinic topics this weekend.  Of course, you may use the skill focus of rotational control for your clinics if you would like. These training clinics are available to all of our ski and snowboard staff. instructors will assemble at the adult lesson meeting area beginning at 3:45, clinics are offered Wednesday – Sunday.

For next week the training calendar will be ported on www.mhm.snowproportal.com  this will provide an opportunity to sign up to attend specific trainings and topics.

Attached is an alpine training document that has a skill focus on Rotational Control. Use this information as focus or guide for your lessons this weekend.


If you have not heard the BIG news that’s happening this Friday 8th here it is!



Friday at 10 am will be the “Biggest Lesson Ever!”

We are partnering with ski schools all around to simultaneously have a beginner Lesson.

That being said…

Who wants to be a part of this amazing event?

Registrations are now closed with 250 participants signed up to attend Friday’s World’s Largest Lesson

The Lesson needs to start promptly at 10AM Friday the 8th.

Please help us out by volunteering to help out in the Rental Center getting all the gear squared away as well as Teaching an amazing Lesson


Please email Mark, Sue or Myself if you are able to help out.


Should be a blast!!!!

Image result for minion pics


Thanks to those who instructed at Cooper Spur over the winter break. There is still a need for Friday evening and weekend instructors, anyone who is interested please contact me and I will share the details with you.


Mark Fischer

Mt Hood Meadows Resort

Ski and Snowboard School Manager

Adaptive Snow Sports Manager

503-337-2222 x1288






xls icon Program-dates.xlsx
doc icon Week-1-Rotationl-Control-2016.docx


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