Hello Meadows Learning Center Instructors!
It’s snowing. If we get the snow we are hoping over the next few days there is the possibility that we will have a “preview weekend” starting on Saturday. Check the Skihood.com website for details.
NOAA Forecast: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-121.6688576341901&lat=45.34194381514135#.WDRQ3dg76f0
Snow-forecast: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-121.6688576341901&lat=45.34194381514135#.WDRQ3dg76f0
Temira’s Mt. Hood Forecast: http://thegorgeismygym.com/forecast/
Alas the Schedule Submission tool is not quite ready. Don’t sweat it – we’ll have it for you soon. I was hopeful it would be ready today, however some minor last minute adjustments – like a single schedule form for both Alpine and Snowboard instructors – is going to need a little more time. So, plan on mid-NEXT WEEK for the schedule submissions to be ready. I promise I will send an email to you all letting you know when it’s ready.
It was so awesome to see so many of you during Orientation – to field questions about the upcoming season and get stoked for the snow to finally arrive, plus to cheers you at the social.
Here’s a link to the Meadows blog about this weekend:
Have a great Thanksgiving and stay tuned to the Skihood.com website about the preview day – again depending on snow fall over the next few days!
Yours in snow sports,
would like to ski this preview wkend… if we need instructors , I am available to teach… also I am prepared to submit my schedule for review. shall I check in with HR to procure my season pass for this weekend.
thanks, Kent