President’s Day Weekend – Come Teach! – MLC Instructor Portal

Hello Amazing MLC Instructors!


Next weekend, February 18-20 is President’s Day 3-day Holiday Weekend and it’s already looking like it’s going to be a nice weather.


This is an “all-hands-on-deck” weekend, and we’d love for you to pick up a shift (or 2) this weekend if you’re not already scheduled. This is also a great weekend to make up for any days you called in “other than sick” and make up any missing teaching hours so you hit your shift and teaching hour commitments We’ve had many instructors land on the injured reserve list so please come if you are able.


Just “reply all” to this email and we’ll add you to the schedule. Please specific which day(s) this weekend you are wanting to add to your schedule.


Thanks and see you this weekend!




p.s. Cooper Spur is looking for an Alpine instructor to teach there on Monday 2/20, so let me know if you’d like to pick up that shift too!



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