Hello MLC Instructor Team!
Hope you’re having a great start to your Spring and I’ll keep you posted on possible upcoming MLC social events for the summer. We’re hoping to get together for a hike in July, possibly up to Memorial Bowl to pay some respects and take in the scenery like this …
It’s been a busy Spring. The MHM Facilities Team has already moved the Season Locker Room over to the North Lodge, where the temporary Team Space was for this last season. The MLC office spaces and lockers that were in the basement of the North Lodge have been vacated – we had been in that space since the early 2000’s – and there was “stuff” in there that was definitely from that era. Moving is sometimes a good thing. Since then the Facilities Team has framed the new MLC Supervisor team office space and bull pen in the basement of the South Lodge. It’s going to be a great shift in locations for all our team since the lesson meeting areas will be much closer to the locker space and MLC Leadership Team offices and team member break room next to HR.
Personal Items left in “old” Locker Room
There were some personal items and equipment left in the locker room after the final day of the season. Most of those things were kept but moved. Photos of the items that were saved are attached to this email. These items are not easily accessible, however if something is yours and you want it, please email me. If something is yours and you don’t want it, also email me.
Vote for Co-Worker and Trainer of the Year
Many of you nominated your co-workers and trainers of the Year for these important awards. We need the whole team to now VOTE for one. Nominations for co-worker of the year included: Jenn Wass, Kat Valentine, Geoffrey Gill, Sophie Christenson and Brent Husband. Trainer of the year nominations were for: Justin Olsen, Richard Mario, Francesco Gentinetta and Sean Tormey.
To cast YOUR VOTE go here:
Litter Collection – Volunteer to Beautify the Resort – Free Lunch!
Our annual litter collection effort is happening on June 23 from 10am to Noon. It would be great if we had 10 to 15 people to join us in the cleanup effort. Our goal is to focus on the Hood River Meadows parking lot, Nordic Center and around the Hood River Meadows Lodge. If you can RSVP by replying all to this email by June 20 we’ll order up lunch for you! I won’t provide all the details in this email, but if you are available for the cleanup, reply all to this email and I’ll get you the details!
Kelly Howle, your MLC Training Supervisor prepared some information for you …
Live from the other side of the season, it’s…… summer time! Hope everyone is enjoying themselves and this heat so far. A few quick things I wanted to make sure everyone knows:
PSIA-AASI Membership Dues are due June 30
PSIA-AASI Membership renewals are due at the end of the fiscal year – on June 30 to avoid a late fee. If you are 2nd season full time instructor, and are returning next season, we will be covering your dues for you – that’s one of the perks of being a full time instructor at Meadows! If you are a first year, full time instructor, upon your full time return next season, we will reimburse you for your dues (less any late fees), but you must pay now to stay current and continue to receive your membership benefits. There are some payment plans available now, where you can make quarterly installments to stay current, which makes sense for many people – so if you’re not keen on paying $121 in June for winter season related benefits, then the payment plan is the way to go.
Login and pay your dues on-line here: https://members.thesnowpros.org/
Summer Training Opportunities – In-person and On-line
- Timberline Summer Series is mostly full, but other summer camps remain at Timberline: https://www.timberlinelodge.com/camps
- PSIA-NW will be offering Remote MA classes for all disciplines late summer so keep checking that calendar: https://www.psia-nw.org/events/?cal-month=8&cal-year=2021
Kelly Howle
Mt. Hood Meadows Learning Center Training Supervisor
AASI-NW Snowboard Division Clinic Leader
Hope this message finds you well. Looking forward to actually “seeing” your smiling faces sometime this summer!