Hello MLC Instructors!

There’s snow on the ground and more is on the way!

Once the mountain turns white, we see a huge jump in applicants – both new and returning instructors! So, thanks to all who have let us know you’ll be coming back by re-applying. We are anxiously planning for your return and look forward to seeing you in-person on November 6 or November 9, for our Welcome Home session, with catered lunch, afternoon training modules and instructor social at the end of each day.

However, please don’t just show up – please RSVP – as we have much to do before you arrive. For returning instructors, we will be sending your locker assignments and combo ahead of time via Dayforce. Most will be in the same locker as last season. For those who submit a uniform request before 11/3, we’ll have your uniform in your locker when you get here! To get all the details, please read on …


How do I re-apply?

You’re Re-hired! Next Steps?

Welcome Home Sessions & Instructor Social

Uniform Requests On-line

Availability Submissions & Shift Commitments

Return of Beginner Experience Packages



How do I re-apply?

Alpine, Snowboard, Nordic and Snowshoe positions are posted on-line. Login to the Dayforce website (not app) at this address: https://www.dayforcehcm.com/mydayforce/login.aspx  Note: you do not need to add all your past resume experience when re-applying – you may simply hit the “cancel” button on that section. If you do NOT know your password – guest what? We don’t either. First try the built-in password reset function on the Dayforce website. If that doesn’t work, then you’ll need to send an email to jobs@skihood.com and let them know you need your password reset. Fun fact: password resets are the top function on most apps!



You’re Hired! Next Steps?

If you have re-applied, Claire Thomforde-Garner, our awesome Admin Supervisor, has sent (or will be sending) you an email about next steps. These steps include doing all the on-boarding steps, watching a few videos, completing your pass agreement forms, etc. – all in the convenience of your own home. This is paid time per her email message, but don’t just click and submit all the forms in 5 minutes or less – since the videos have some important information and take about 1 hour to consume. If all your forms submissions come in at once, we’ll know you didn’t really watch the videos. ☹ If you haven’t received the email, you might check your other email address, as some of you have multiple email addresses in your Dayforce profile.



Welcome Home Sessions & Instructor Social

Be sure to re-apply – see above – then signup to attend our Welcome Home session on either November 6 or November 9. You only need to attend one of these dates. For those of you who cannot make it – you’re going to miss out – but we’ll have an on-line substitute so you can get most of the same information. Please let us know what day you are coming by using the RSVP form here:

Nov. 6: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/events/mlc-welcome-home-session-training

Nov. 9: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/events/mlc-welcome-home-session-training-2


Uniform Requests On-line

Per my note above, if you’d like to have an easy-going, move-in day on November 6 or November 9, be sure to submit a uniform request form on the Team site. If you do so before 11/3, we will have your uniform in your locker when you arrive. How awesome is that? See the Team Site for submitting your uniform request: https://team.skihood.com/uniform-sizing-request/

Availability Submissions & Shift Commitments

We are working on the availability submission form to let us know what days you’d like to work this season. This is one of the only jobs I know where you get to choose the days you want to work – and get to ski or ride while being paid! With our Growing Visitation Tactical Operating Plans this season – that you’ll hear about at our Welcome Home Sessions – we’ll have more available shifts for you to choose from, making it even easier than ever to meet your shift and teaching hour commitments this season. We expect to have the availability submission form ready by Nov. 15. Don’t worry – you’ll be the first to know when it’s ready for your signups!



See you in less than 2 weeks with 2 feet of more snow – cross your fingers!

Yours in snowsports,




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