PSIA-NW Examiner Tyler Barnes will be available for a “Pre Exam Clinic” for Level 2 and Level 3 on Saturday 4/9/2016 and Tuesday 4/12/2016 from 9am to Noon. We plan to pick up late comers or scheduled instructors that were not assigned work at the morning lineup at 10:15am at the bottom of Mt. Hood Express.
The goal of this clinic is to provide some last minute coaching tips on improving your versatility task skiing, answer any questions about the teaching format of Level 2 or Level 3 exams, etc.
See you at 9am in the Adult Lesson Meeting area and then at 10:15am at the bottom of MHX.
Signups are closed for this event.
Who's Coming?
- Tyler Barnes
- Denes Balazs
- Jim Rogowski