How nice it is to look at the mountain all white and looking like winter!


I apologize for the confusion some of you may be experiencing regarding filling out your returning instructor application. Hopefully I can clarify.


This process requires you to enter a NEW password. Do not CLICK HERE to retrieve your password, this is a new program and it does not have any information to retrieve. You will need to enter a new password before you are able to continue.


I also under estimated the time it would take to receive the back ground check form after you have successfully submitted your application. I hope this process will become faster and most of the needed forms will be received by the middle of next week. This on-boarding process will begin by following the instructions in an email from “TalentWise”. The attachment in this email is time sensitive and will require action on your part.


We are beginning to add new and updated information on to our instructor snow pro portal like MHM Company Employee Hand Book, scheduling calendar for 2015-2016 season to mention a couple. Please take the time to look over both documents, this is a great way to get informed for a strong start to the season.



All employees will be required to attend a company orientation this year. Currently there are 2 orientations scheduled for next week.

Wednesday, Nov 11th beginning at 9 am followed by our ski and snowboard school orientation.

Sunday, Nov 15th beginning at 8 am followed by our ski and snowboard orientation.

We would appreciate if you could let us know which day you will be attending. Please send a quick note to either myself or Sue.



We hope to have the online scheduling program up and running the week of Nov. 16th. There will be more details shared during orientation.


Company update:

Our leadership team is learning from ski and snowboard school and have started sending out weekly updates. This week we hear from Jake Bollard.


Hello Mt. Hood Meadows & Cooper Spur!


Can you all feel the urgency in the air?  Not in a pressure way, but the joy of ramping up to prepare the Resort to welcome our thousands of guests back home – to Your Mountain Home!  If the ramp up is feeling more like pressure I encourage all of you to go through your tool box of planning, preparing and executing tools.  Making lists, communicating, breaking big projects down into manageable tasks and just staying focused are a few examples.  We all have many irons in the fire during this ramp up period, but have fun with it knowing we are all working towards the same goal.  And if you’re feeling the pressure, speak up!


Here are a few updates and if they are redundant it’s because they are important!


  • Recruiting.  We need your help! One of our best sources for new employees is, you guessed it, current and returning employees!! Do you think you can recruit a friend or three to come join the team? Have them apply, or even bring them here to meet a manager. We have over 25 different departments –  inside/outside, guest facing and behind the scenes, cooking, cleaning, shoveling, selling – something for anyone who wants to rock the guest experience, be part of a great team and spread their excitement for the slopes and the great outdoors.
  • Employee Privileges.  Speaking of recruiting…..Employee privileges have been upgraded in the new handbook: We made several positive changes to the perks that employees get for working here. Full time employees now get spouse /dependent passes complimentary in the very first year. Part timers receive a pass for themselves and spouse/dependent passes are only $100. We’ll continue to highlight handbook changes in upcoming newsletters, but this one and appearance standards (see last week’s email) are two that we hope you are stoked to hear about.
  • Leadership Summit. Most all department leaders met this past week to discuss the strategies that the Company has been working on:
    • Learning Organization – we have some very talented individuals in the Company.  And we are always learning how we can improve all facets of our operation.  All levels within our company should be empowered to find ways to improve.
    • Goals – our goals for the season are centered around the 3-legged stool:

1)      Employees – improve the Employee Net Promoter Score (E-NPS).  IE: this score measures the likelihood that our employees would promote Meadows/Cooper as a great place to work.

2)      Guests – increase the ‘Overall Employee Service’ score.  This is a measure of our guests interactions with our employees.  Like all of our goals, we all have a hand in making this happen.

3)      Financial (Investors) – fatten the piggy bank!  Simple as that.  Increased cash means more opportunities for all of us.  Our ownership team is committed to increasing opportunities for our team and Company.

    • Many strategies and tips to achieve these goals were discussed and will be shared within your department teams.


Company “Wins”.  Our Company puts points on the board all of the time.  Jeremy shared a few of these “wins” the last couple of weeks and here are a few more:


  • OISA (Oregon Interscholastic Snowboard Association) training has shifted from Ski Bowl/T-Line to Meadows! Big props to Kirt Davis, Chris Kastner and all of us at MHM for this successful transition.  I will speculate that OISA teams feel more comfortable at “Your Mountain Home”!
  • Season Pass Referral program.  Many of our passholders took advantage of this great incentive to get their friends and co-shredders to purchase a pass this year.  The early pass sale deadline concludes a week from today – commensurate with the Portland Ski Fever show this weekend.  The Pricing Committee thanks Paul Thomson for making this a well functioned program.  
  • Pray for Snow Party at MHM!  On Saturday 11/21/15, Meadows will host a Pray for Snow Party with or without snow.  The event is filled with snow stoke and good vibes.  Thank you Barbara Gerhardt and Katie Kadlub for pulling this event together!  More info and employee access details are forthcoming. 
  • Cooper Spur is killing it!  CSMR partnered with pFriem Family Brewers to provide an awesome experience of food, craft beers and good times.  And a successful partnership it was.  Great job Cooper Team!


Thank you all for all your hard work in ramping up and preparing for a memorable season ahead of us!

Jake Bolland
Chief Operating Officer



Thanks everyone, I am looking forward in seeing you all.


Mark Fischer

Mt Hood Meadows Resort

Ski and Snowboard School Manager

Adaptive Snow Sports Manager

503-337-2222 x1288





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