Hey Snowboard Instructors!


Here is a message from Kelly Howle, the Meadows Learning Center Snowboard Coordinator with some great information about upcoming clinics – please read on!


SNOWBOARD CLINICSIf you haven’t already checked out Meadows’ SnowProPortal yet to see what clinics are available to you as an instructor, you’ve been missing out! We offer 1-2 clinics a night that will improve either your riding, your teaching, or both. They have been added to the SnowProPortal calendar through the first of March and more will be added. We can potentially add more clinics on busy nights if the numbers reflect that need. The inverse could also happen. We rely on your signups to send enough trainers to lineup at 3:45 each evening to support your training needs so do everyone a favor and sign up already! Impromptu day clinics can also occur if trainers are available and low business levels allow instructors going out.


RIDE WITH ROCKY MOUNTAIN EXAMINER ROBIN KISIEL: Robin is a Rocky Mountain examiner and training manager from Breckenridge Ski Resort. She has tried out for the AASI National Team and she is privy to the newest information coming out of American Association of Snowboard Instructors. She is a huge asset to us as we don’t currently have an NW Examiner at Meadows. She visited us last year and is with us again not once, but twice this year!


Snowboard Trainers will be riding with her Monday, January 9.



Snowboard Instructors you’ll have an opportunity to ride with her this coming Tuesday, January 8.



If you are interested in exams this year or just want to improve your overall riding with arguably one of the best trainers in the country, this is your chance. 


It is by signup only and the number is capped at 10 participants only. So hurry and sign up! Also make sure that you are not on the schedule….


SNOWBOARD MOVEMENT ANALYSIS NIGHT: Snowboard MA night starts Monday January 7 at 6PM at Naked Winery. Get there early, grab a beer, and head into the back room. We will be hosting every other week. One MA night will be offered the last Sunday of each month at Meadows for folks in Portland that are unable to attend in Hood River. We will hopefully be offering another session in the Welches area but that info is still in the works. Stay tuned…


Movement Analysis Night is an opportunity to watch videos of real riders, often of your students or yourselves, and breaking down the movements affecting the snowboard. We will be starting the season off January 7 by going over the very basics of MA with classic snowboard films. From there, every other Monday, we will be narrowing our focus on specific MA techniques that can help you isolate issues in your riding and in your students’s riding. 


CALLING ALL TELEMARK SKIERS: The art of tele is not lost at Meadows, it’s just dropping a knee so low that you can’t see it! If you or someone you know is interested in telemark skiing, preferably with gear already (but that’s not an end-all), we are trying to organize clinics and exams but we need those numbers to support the training! Email kelly.howle@skihood.com with your availability and interest level. Free your heel, free your mind!






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