Hello MHM Learning Center Instructors!

Wow, time flies! It’s already past mid-October and it’s been great to take in the awesome Fall weather and colors. It was great to see some of you last month for the Terry Burke memorial hike and stone placement. Orientation is coming up next month on 11/14 or 11/17 and we’re looking forward to connect with you then. Please read on …

Schedule Submissions – coming in Mid-November

New faces – Welcome New Supervisors – Day Operations Supervisor position available

Signup to Attend Orientation

Submit your Returning Instructor Application

Refer a Friend – make $50

Terry Burke Memorial Placement

Check the video below for the Cliff’s Notes version of this email – we plan to have video updates like this throughout the season – (not just my talking head thank goodness) I did try to get Josey to join me, but she had reservations …. So you’re stuck with me this time!

Schedule Submissions – coming in Mid-November

We are setting up the schedule submission tool to be ready shortly after Orientation. We have some exciting new changes that we want to share with you prior to you submitting your schedule, so we’ll share those details with you at Orientation, then open up schedule submissions thereafter.

New Faces – Welcome New and Returning Supervisors – Day Operations Supervisor position available

We have some great supervisors lined up this season the help support you in your role as an instructor at Mt. Hood Meadows. Here’s the scoop: Peter Gavinski has joined us from Bogus Basin as our Children’s Learning Center Supervisor; Andy James has been promoted to the Youth Programs Supervisor; Danielle Silvers joins us from Grandby Ranch as a Day Operations Supervisor; Shane Coffey joins us from Hoodoo as our Night Operations Supervisor; Jillianne Wagner returns as the Administrative Supervisor exclusively devoted to the Meadows Learning Center. Cayce Pitts is still part of the Learning Center but has accepted the position in Marketing and Sales of Program’s Coordinator. You’ll get a chance to meet our new supervisors or get reacquainted with our returning supervisors at the company orientation.

With Andy James moving from the Day Operations Supervisor position to the Youth Program Supervisor position we have a vacancy in a Day Operations Supervisor position. If you or someone you know would like to spend the winter with us as a supervisor, or instructor, or any other position, please send them to https://skihood.com/jobs

Signup to Attend Orientation

The company and department orientation is scheduled for 11/14 or 11/17. This is an all-day event and you only need to attend one day. You’ll be able to pick up your uniform and get moved into your locker in the morning, then attend the company orientation which starts at 10am. We’ll have 45 minutes for lunch – sandwich makings will be provided. We’ll meet back as a large group after lunch, have some short break-out sessions in smaller groups like we did last season then have our first Learning Center Social at the end of the day with no-host beer and wine plus some appetizers. Please signup to attend orientation on the MHM Instructor Portal. There is no need to login to sign up. Go to this link (it’s right on the homepage): https://mhm.snowproportal.com

If you are available to help out on orientation day please send an email to: Josey Rice at josey.rice@skihood.com with the day(s) you are available to help out.

Submit your Returning Instructor Application

We have had over 100 returning instructor applications come in. If you are coming back, please submit a returning full time or part time instructor application using the links below. If you’re not coming back – we’ll miss you – so please send an email to Josey, Mark or me. Use the links below to reapply.

Full Time Returning:


Part Time Returning:

Refer a Friend – make $50

Recruit your friends to come enrich people’s lives. If you calculate all the benefits of being an instructor including the season pass, locker at the mountain, food discounts, exchange program with other mountains, etc., even the 18-shift part time instructor that takes advantage of only the minimum number of benefits still averages more than $22/hour for every hour worked. When you add dependent passes and additional benefits, the average per hour wage is upwards of $40/hour or more depending on all the benefits you take advantage of as a Team Member here at Mt. Hood Meadows.

Terry Burke Memorial Hike

On September 29, 2018 a group of instructors hiked to the top of Memorial Bowl, just above the top of Shooting Star and placed a memorial stone for Terry Burke as well as for Mignon and Ray Whitcher. There were 22 of us (and 3 dogs) along for an amazing hike and time together remembering Terry, Ray and Mignon. We have such an amazing family here at Mt. Hood Meadows – can’t wait to spend more time with you all!

See you in a few weeks!



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