Hello Returning, New Experienced and Rookie Mt. Hood Meadows Instructors!


We are holding a Meadows Learning Center Town Hall meeting via Zoom on 11/18 from 6pm to 7pm.



This is an informal opportunity to give you a chance to hear the latest on our opening plans, hear about your raise, food discounts, new locker locations in the South Lodge … and to see your friends from last season … and meet some new friends!


This invitation is being sent to all returning instructors, those who are experienced but new to Mt. Hood Meadows as well as those who are coming to our New Instructor On-snow Training for their Rookie season at Meadows! This is going to be such a great opportunity to connect with everyone and share some stoke for the season.


The vibe will be fun, light hearted and informational – just like the family that we are! We will stay on the Zoom call from 7pm to 7:15pm (or so) to answer any questions from those who are signed up to attend new instructor training this season.


Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday at 6pm. Zoom link details are below!


Yours in snowsports,





Topic: MLC Town Hall

Time: Nov 18, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join MLC Town Hall Zoom Meeting




Meeting ID: 980 8857 6938

Passcode: 606638

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Meeting ID: 980 8857 6938

Passcode: 606638

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aceUXwcU5h






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