Hi everyone, I am happy to say that this is my second day back at the mountain since my extended vacation. It feels so good to be back and looking forward to get back into the swing of things. One thing I have missed the most is seeing all of you!

This is President’s day weekend which is one of the three busiest times of the season for the mountain. If you are not scheduled and you have the availability any extra help would be much appreciated.

It is employee survey time and hopefully you have received an email from jobs@skihood.com with a link to the survey site, if not here it is


Once you are on the survey page you will notice a drop down with different departments listed, for all instructors please select “Ski & Snowboard School” it is the second from the bottom. This survey is opened until Monday 15th, so don’t delay. This is one very important way to communicate with the management staff to share your what’s, why’s, and how’s in order to make us continue to be the Best in the West!

Who is ready for a party???

Snow Sports Services (ski & snowboard school, rentals, and guest services) will host the “Much Overdue Social” event on Tuesday 16th beginning at 5:30pm ant Naked Winery in Hood River located at 102 2nd St, Hood River, OR 97031

Snow Sports Services will provide pizza and the first two alcoholic beverages. A big shout out goes to David Berringer for hosting this event for us all, Thank you David.


Our training staff will be holding PSIA/AASI level 1 exams on Monday March 2nd and Sunday 13th. I have attached more information pertaining to level 1 exams. If you are planning to take the level 1 please sign up for the exam on the snow pro portal.

Clinic was just recently added to this weekend is as follows,

Saturday 13th, Adaptive Sit Ski clinic

Saturday 13th, Tele clinic

Sunday 14th, Adaptive Visual Impaired Clinic


Other instructor training clinics to look forward to are all listed at mhm.snowproportal.com under “Clinics & Training” By signing up to attend a clinic helps provides our training staff much needed information as to the number of participants in order to schedule appropriate clinicians to make your training experience the best. Signing up is easy and can be done by clicking on the clinic you want to sign up for then follow the prompts to “sign up for this clinic”


A situation that we often find ourselves in is “How to Avoid too Difficult Terrain” we have all been there. Watching our class kill it on the Butter Cup only to find yourself up on Easy Rider or Vista thinking “holy cow, what in the world was I thinking” By keeping in mind that we introduce skills on easy terrain and practice until mastering it before introducing more difficult terrain is a good thing to keep in mind. By mastering the skill I mean this. The student can demonstrate the skill efficiently and confidently (in this case on Butter Cup) The riders right side of Butter Cup and especially far riders right side is much more difficult terrain than riders left side of the chair.       


A lot of our staff have been getting booked for a request private lesson from our guests, not to mention the many non-requested private lessons. To help understand the process of being on the “private board” these are a few things to keep in mind.

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Check in on a lounge computer by 8:45am to see your daily assignment

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Private lessons go out at 9am, 10:15am, 11:30am, 12:45pm, 2pm, 3:13pm. Our guests are asked to meet at the private lesson area locate between the ticket booth and the glass staircase a few minutes before the start of their lesson, please be prompt.

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Generally the private board will be displayed on the monitor in the lounge

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>On peak days please be at the private lesson area even if you are not booked or if your student has not been highlighted as being checked in

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>If you are assigned to private lessons and you need to make changes here are the go to people.

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Mon – Tue, Josey/Sue

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Wed – Fri, Tracy

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Sat – Sun, Mark/Tracy

Hopefully this information will help everyone have a better understanding when asked to teach private lessons.


Thank you all again for your support while I was out and the support you have all shown this season to make us Best in The West!

Looking forward in seeing everyone this weekend and at the social event on Tuesday evening.


Mark Fischer

Mt Hood Meadows Resort

Ski and Snowboard School Manager

Adaptive Snow Sports Manager

503-337-2222 x1288





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