Hello all,
You can feel the Stoke around here! Powder smiles everywhere. With 87” of snow so far this season and 20” in the last 48 hours, there is enough light fluffy powder for everyone! NWAC is calling for close to 6 ft. of snow from now until Sunday, with close to 3 ft. of snow falling on Thursday. Come up, get some runs in, and arrive early so you won’t get stuck in traffic.
Scheduling Needs
· Northwest Association for Blind Athletes – Thank you everyone who was part of the NABA, the athletes had such a great time. They will be here the next 2 Saturdays and Sundays and we are looking for anyone interested in teaching some of these guests.
o Dates are: Dec 10th & 11th, and Dec 17th& 18th
o Please contact Mark Fischer if you are interested in teaching
· Meadow’s Night Preview – December 9th & 10th
o We will be offering lessons, although will not be having Twilight Kids Club (Twilight starts Dec. 26th). Children will be able to take a lesson; they will just be meeting in the Adult Meeting Area.
o Since this was not on the Schedule, because we are opening Nights earlier than anticipated, we are looking for some instructors that would like to teach on Friday and Saturday night.
o Please let Mark Fischer or Josey Rice know if you are interested in teaching
· Schedules are being Approved and Entered – We have approved most of the schedules that have been submitted and are in the process of entering them in RTP.
o We are in full operation for the Season and have been teaching lessons every day.
o Please make sure you are showing up to your committed days you said you could work, because we are expecting you. If you don’t see you are in RTP just yet, please check in with a Supervisor so we can add you do a list.
· If you haven’t done so already, please submit your schedule.
o In order to submit your schedule you will need to login. On the homepage of the instructor portal, on the right side is the login form. Use your email address as your username and enter your password. If you had an account before and did not change your password last season’s default password was: powder2015. If you were added to the system this season, your password is: powder2016. If neither of these passwords work, then you changed your password and we DO NOT know it. Or you don’t have an account just yet. Or the email address we have for your user account is an old email or different email. To change your password click the “Lost your password?” link below the login button.
o Once you are logged in look in the “Current Staff” menu and choose “Instructor Schedule Submissions” or simply click this link: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/current-staff/instructor-schedule-submissions
o If you do not have an account click the “Register” link below the login button. On that page you can request an account. This will be primarily for instructors who are new to MHM this season, or new late last season and did not have an instructor portal account created. Use the form on that page to submit a request and we will create an account for you – this can take up to 24 hours to be setup, but is usually much faster. This is not an automated process – we review your request to insure you are an existing or new employee prior to creating an account.
· Clinics- the Paid Rehire On -Snow Clinics are available to attend. Please sign up for your clinics on the MHM Instructor Portal or click this link: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/training/paid-training-information
· Orientation Video – If you didn’t get a chance to watch the Company Orientation, in person, it is now available on the Instructor Portal
· The Orientation video is up on the homepage of the instructor portal, in the “Current Staff” drop down menu and at this URL: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/training/orientation
· Please remember you need to watch the video and have submitted a schedule before you can get your employee pass
· Please make sure to sign into RTP or check the Daily Yard, which is posted in the Portal or printed in the Lounge, to see where you are scheduled for the day.
I’m Hired (or Rehired), Now What?
· Once you have applied in Taleo, watched the Orientation Video (in person or online), and submitted your schedule. You should have gotten a locker assignment from Mark Fischer and you are welcome to come up and get your Uniform. Once you have completed all the tasks, we will see you on your first scheduled shift, if not before.
Please see below for Clinic and Shadow information for Returning and New Employees:
· Returning Instructors and Experienced Instructors new to Meadows
o You are not required to complete any mandatory training prior to your first teaching shift of the season.
o We do have one 2-hour clinic that is mandatory (but does not need to be completed before your first shift).
o The remaining 4 hours are up to you to sign up for as you wish. These will be occurring in December, January, February and into March, so you will have plenty of opportunity to attend a clinic of your choice.
o You must sign up in advance for paid trainings on the Instructor Portal so we know you are coming and you will receive credit for your attendance.
o However, please do not sign up for any paid training on a day you are scheduled to work – this is not permitted. Occasionally, if it is slow, you might be able to join a paid training if there is space available.
· New Instructors – Lesson Shadows
o Starting this Saturday you will be able to sign up for Adult and Children’s Shadow Lessons. You will do on the instructor portal.
o You must sign up in advance for shadows so we know you are coming and can arrange a group to shadow a real lesson with a trainer.
o At the completion of the shadow you will submit a Shadow Summary on the Instructor Portal.
o Details will be provide during your first shadow. You are paid for lessons shadows as either ALB or KLB at $10/hour.
· New Instructors – Reverse Shadows
o Once you have completed 1 adult and 1 children’s lesson shadow you may be ready for a Reverse Shadow, where you will actually take a real lesson and have an experienced instructor or trainer “along for the ride”
o You do NOT sign up for reverse shadows on the Instructor Portal.
o Reverse shadows are “first come, first serve” – and you must check with the supervisor on duty at the area you wish to Reverse Shadow (Kids or Adults) no earlier than 8:15am the morning you wish to complete a Reverse Shadow.
o If we have a class and an experienced instructor or trainer available, we will assign you a Reverse Shadow lesson. You are paid for Reverse Shadows.
o You will then need to complete a Reverse Shadow Summary on the Instructor Portal.
Josey Rice
Ski and Snowboard School Assistant Manager
Email: Josey.Rice@skihood.com
Phone: 503-337-2222 Ext 1359