Hello MLC Instructors!


It was great to see some of you last night at the MLC Town Hall Zoom meeting! I am super stoked to get this season underway, as I know many of you are as well!


In this email you can learn about:


When are we opening?

Availability Submissions – coming (very) soon

Rehire Clinics – Sign up on the Portal

MLC Town Hall (last night) Recording

New Locker Locations and Assignments

Hiring and On-boarding … in Dayforce




When are we opening?

Everyone on the opening team has been tasked with getting the resort ready to open by November 26 – the day after Thanksgiving. But, alas the long range forecast is not looking that favorable to opening on that date. But rest assured, if we can open then, we will. The summer team has been doing much work over the last several summer with trimming brush and prepping slopes for the least amount of snow possible to open. When snow falls in the parking lot we are harvesting this into huge piles that we can haul to key areas that need extra snow to open – like the load and unload ramps at the lifts. Perhaps you know that Mt. Hood Meadows has been recognized as one of the innovators of snow harvesting in the industry – yep, that us! Check out this video – https://www.skihood.com/about-us/meadows-blog/posts/2020/11/perfecting-the-art-and-science-of-snow-harvesting


One of the earliest openings I recall was October 21 – an all-natural Mt. Hood snow dump! And yes, we had lineup and lessons on that day – it was so awesome to teach one of the first lessons of the (1996-97) season – wow that was a while ago! You can check out our open day historical data here: https://www.skihood.com/about-us/meadows-blog/posts/2018/11/when-will-meadows-open-for-the-season




Availability Submissions – coming (very) soon!

We are putting the final touches on the Availability Submission form for this season. It’s a little challenging to try to estimate the number of instructors we’ll need on a given day. Rather than being able to base our daily volume on historical data (pre-pandemic), we are having to extrapolate the business we did last season, some of which required 48 hour advanced reservations, and some of which required 24 hour advance reservations, then project the added demand we expect this season, as we know demand will be high, and factor in that we have a vaccination now, so people are feeling more at ease with being out and about, plus the return to products that we did not offer last season. It’s a bit of looking into a crystal ball and a bit of best guess based on intuition. That said, I expect to have this ready for you all early next week.


Again this season, we are planning to make lesson assignments by 5pm the night before so you can confidently know if you’re working or if you do not need to report for duty. This aligns with our core values of sustainability and is a best practice. Those that provided that they are available on a certain date it’s great to be able to let you know that we do (or do not) need you on the day/date you said you could come up. As always, you can come up even if we don’t officially need you, because as you know, there is always a way you can enrich the lives of our team and guests on any given day you are here!



Rehire Clinics – signup on Portal

Rehire clinics have been posted to the training calendar. Please sign up here:



However, please sign up for dates that we are expecting to have snow and be open! At this time we are not expected to be open Thanksgiving weekend due to the current weather and snow forecast. In order to sign up you must log in to the Portal. This is NOT your Dayforce username and password. To login at the Portal just use your email address as the username and whatever password you used to setup your account. New this season users were sent login details in a separate email. You can also reset your Portal password using the, “Lost your password?” link under the login for on the Portal.


Fun fact – the most used function of most web applications is …. wait for it … the “password reset function.”




MLC Town Hall – Recording from 11/18/2021

If you missed the Town Hall last night, we had around 60+ people in attendance. We covered our opening day projections, what’s new for the season, our updated COVID-19 operating plans, vaccination mandate or weekly testing information as well as welcoming new instructors who are coming to training in the next few days and weeks. It was so great to see so many of your faces and we are really excited for the season. If you missed the Town Hall last night (or want to relive it again), you can watch it here:







New Locker Locations and Locker Assignments

We are sending your NEW locker location and combination via Dayforce. What do you mean, “New locker and combo? I’ve had the same locker since ____________.” Well, maybe you haven’t heard (or been keeping up), but we have moved all MLC lockers and admin offices to the basement of the South Lodge. This is awesome! Plus we added another 90+ lockers to the overall resort inventory, so we expect no one from the MLC will need to share lockers! Whoop, whoop! But for those of you who moved into your old locker already – um, that’s not your locker! Please do NOT plan to use the locker you had last season as it’s NOT yours!



Hiring and Onboarding in Dayforce

Josey, Kelcey and others on the re-hiring team have sent emails to you about completing your on-boarding. Once again, those of you who are having issues doing this in the app – well, you CAN’T complete these important steps in the app – you must login to the Dayforce website (ideally on a tablet or computer – does not work well on a phone) at this URL: https://www.dayforcehcm.com/mydayforce/login.aspx


The Company is: Meadows. Your username is: Firstname(dot)Lastname – like suzy.skisalot and the password is whatever you setup. We do NOT know your password. You can attempt to reset it using the link on the login page that says, “Can’t access your account?” Try that first. If you cannot login, we can reset your password for you, but you’ll need to send an email to Josey, Kelcey, me or jobs@skihood.com


It seems that some are getting stuck on creating a recovery email. You can safely skip this for now if you are having troubles setting this up.



Happy Friday night! Hope this email finds you well and I am very much looking forward to sliding with you on-snow soon!






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