Hello all,


We have officially hit 100” deep mid-base with 147” of snow that has fallen so far this season.  We are looking Holiday Break right in the eye starting this upcoming weekend, so please make sure you have entered your schedule and show up on the days you said you will be here.  Please make sure to check the Daily Yard, sent out on the SnowPro Portal, and  sign in when you get here and be ready to teach in your scheduled areas.  We can’t wait to see all your smiling faces at line-up.  See you when you get here. 


Here is the update for this week:


Scheduling Needs

·        Northwest Association for Blind Athletes – Last Week of Blind Athletes

o   Dates are: Dec 17th & 18th

o   Please contact Mark Fischer if you are interested in teaching


·         Cooper Spur opening for the season December 16th –   If you are interested in teaching at Cooper Spur, please let Mark Fischer or Josey Rice know and we can get you scheduled down there.


Upcoming Events

·        Clinics – Don’t forget to sign up for your rehire clinics.  You can find them at https://mhm.snowproportal.com/training/paid-training-information


·        Telemark Clinic –

o   If you want to attend an awesome Telemark clinic led by PSIA-AASI National Team Member Greg Dixon (and maybe need a continuing education credit too) please sign up for the PSIA-NW clinic happening on December 16th. They need signups for this event to happen! This is NOT a MHM clinic; this is a PSIA-NW Clinic and you must turn in an event application with PSIA-NW. The cost is just $75. Get all the details here:http://www.psia-nw.org/event/telemark-terrain-tactics-2/?instance_id=2641


·        Bus Chaperones are needed – See below for a message from Katie Kadlub, if you are interested in getting paid to get a free ride up to the mountain.

Hello All,


I am looking for chaperones for this season to fill in some dates for our Park and Ride Program.. We have decided to start running buses earlier than planned this season; we will begin this coming Saturday (December 10th Park and Ride is a great way for employees to get to the mountain safely AND get paid! It has proven to work well for the instructor schedule so I wanted to see if you could let your team know about the opportunity.


Here’s the jest:


We run two buses each day (one from Tualatin with a stop at Beaverton and one from the Gateway stop). The chaperone will receive a roster at 4am to use to check in the guests at each stop. The chaperone will let guests know where to go for lift tickets, lessons and rentals when they arrive at the lodge and communicate bus number and departure time, all guests need to be checked in prior to departure.

The chaperone is guaranteed 6 hours of pay (more if here are traffic/weather delays. The expectation is that chaperones will be at the bus stop 15 minutes before departure to meet the bus and greet guests. Departure times from each stop are below:

·         6:10 @ Tualatin

·         6:30 @ Beaverton

·         6:50 @ Gateway

I have attached the schedule of open dates – highlighted in ORANGE.

If you have anyone on your team interested, please let me know!


Katie Kadlub

Director, Business Development
Mt. Hood Meadows

Cooper Spur Mountain Resort



·        Employee Bus Text Alerts- if you are a frequent Employee Bus Rider, sign up for Bus Text Alerts by texting follow@MHM_Bus to 40404 for up-to-date bus alerts.



Josey Rice

Ski and Snowboard School Assistant Manager

Email: Josey.Rice@skihood.com

Phone: 503-337-2222 Ext 1359





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