Hello MLC Instructors!
You may have seen this in your Dayforce messages, however this is important information for you!
You have kept Mt. Hood Meadows and Cooper Spur running through one of the most challenging times in our history, and shown stellar responsibility in preventing the spread. As a community, we can take another huge step to help stop this virus. Now we have a new, safe, and effective tool to help us do that—COVID-19 vaccines.
Hood River County Health Department has approved all Mt Hood Meadows and Cooper Spur Team Members for vaccine eligibility. As “Recreation Industry”, our team would likely have been eligible starting 4/5/2021 but our County has a surplus of vaccine at this week’s 4/1/2021 clinic and has identified our Team as eligible for this week’s clinic.
You can schedule your vaccination appointment for as early as 4/1/2021 at the link below. Do not share this link, if you want to make sure your co-worker gets this message, please ask them to check Dayforce rather than sharing the link. If there are no appointments available, they will have more vaccine clinics in the near future and we will keep our Team up to date as new clinics are scheduled.
Please schedule your vaccine through Hood River County Health Department here: https://hrcvaccineclinicapril1.rsvpify.com/
Reach out to 503-337-2222 ext 1919 or covid@skihood.com if you have any questions.
– Your COVID Response Team”