So, someone else mistakenly grabbed your outer uniform coat? This sometimes happens, but how can I make sure this does NOT happen again or ever?

  • Check the name tag when putting on your coat
  • Keep your uniform with you at all times
  • Keep your uniform in your locker when not in use
  • Don’t leave your coat or pants out to dry or hanging on the coat rack in the CLC or outside your locker
  • Use a pin-back name tags that don’t come off as easily

First off, do not leave your uniform pieces out unattended for any length of time. When you do this it causes a potential opportunity for someone to mistakenly take the wrong coat. This is not only a significant inconvenience for the person whose coat your have, but also for you, and now the uniform department and your department supervisors need to be involved. Usually this is just a simple mistake but it seems to be happening more often this season – for example: Sam H and Kyle S both showed up at line up with someone else’s coat on.

Instructors are leaving coats on chairs in the break room, hanging on their lockers and on the rack in the CLC. This is not the proper location to store your uniform for ANY length of time. Please keep your uniform in your locker.

These are expensive coats and you will be responsible for covering the cost of replacing a lost or stolen uniform per the uniform agreement you signed when checking out your uniform this season. Plus, this is a big inconvenience for everyone, even if it was just a simple mistake.


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