Meet Jake the Pig – You Owe the Pig! – MLC Instructor Portal

Back in “the day”, when ski school used to be in the lift operations building we used to have a pink porcelain pig that we’d use to collect mandatory donations for the end of the season party for “beverages”. When we moved into the basement of the North Lodge the pig was broken and lost in the move and the tradition ended, but was not forgotten.

We are bringing JAKE THE PIG back!

Here’s how it works … If you are in your “greens” and crash you must, “Pay the Pig!” If you have a “cling-on” on Easy Rider you … “Pay the Pig!” If you say to your College Program class students, “Watch this!” and then proceed to crash and need your student to grab your skis (yes that was me – Tyler Barnes) you … “Pay the Pig … Big Time!”

It’s on the honor system and you pay what you can afford. And sometimes you may feel like no one saw you crash – you got up pretty fast and brushed off all that snow – for sure I’m good no one saw (but you know you owe Jerry) … and then you hear, way off in the distance … “Pay… The… Pig!” from a fellow instructor. Even our students got involved as they heard the story – it’s catchy!

So, you know you owe the pig. And your fellow instructors will let you know when YOU owe Jerry by saying, “Pay the Pig!” Above is Cayce Pitts making his first “payment” (a while ago – he’s made plenty since then) to Jerry the Pig! You may pay Jerry at the end of the day when you’re completing your Time Sheet  – come meet Jerry and make your payment! But wait, there’s more … you must tell your story to the person receiving your payment so we can share these as “Pig Tales” in our weekly updates.

Below are a few Pig Tales from seasons before (to help you know when you owe) …

From Anonymous – cash and note slipped under my door: Side stepping up to Ballroom Carpet and fell over during my Level I exam ($4 paid)!

Jim Ragowski.: Sat down on the snow bank in the parking lot and slipped off and landed on my bum, but didn’t drop my coffee ($5 paid)!

Jeremy Dirk: Stivets down Mitchell Creek on a mash potato day is a BAD IDEA. I lost a ski and a snowboarder had to bring me my ski and poles ($2 paid).

Jack Director: 540 on Zoo box in uniform with Freeride class crash and in the Steeps Clinic, toppled over when I came to a stop – they all saw me ($2 paid)!

Cheri Roulet: Had a cling on at Buttercup ($3 paid).

Eric Callahan: Jig Saw jump landed back seat and ski popped off in Freestyle clinic ($2).

Kenny Allen: Fell in the “Home Base” flats area at bottom of Ballroom during a one-ski skiing warmup during a first timer lesson – “It made my student’s feel much better about being a beginner.” (Only $2 – he was a full timer).

Ryan Coussens: So I caught an edge in a private lesson while attempting to do a hockey stop on variable wind packed powder. The client made me stay there until he was able to get a picture ($Priceless). See below.


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