Hello MLC Instructors!


It’s going to be another beautiful weekend with sunny skies, spring like snow conditions and lots of guests wanting to come recreate at Mt. Hood Meadows – and take lessons from you! We have over 100 Adult Daily Lessons, 130 Youth Daily Lessons, a very full Private Lesson board and about 350 Program Lesson students between SnoBlasters, Trail Blazers, High School, Adult and College lessons! That said, it’s going to be busy. That means, leave early, take the bus, carpool and get here early tomorrow – I’d say no later than 7:30am if you are driving and plan to make it into the main parking lot!


In this update…

Hey, Want Your Pass Pulled?

Access Road Closures – Get a Pass!

Calling in Sick? Need to change your schedule? Do it in advance!

March Sunday SnoBlasters

Safety Tips & Reminders

Job Satisfaction Survey

Hey, Want Your Pass Pulled?

If so, just don’t wear your face covering indoors correctly – is that easy! So we’ve been operating very successfully during this pandemic for 2 seasons now. The Omicron variant is still spreading very easily and readily. Wearing a K/N95 Mask that you are free to have (come get one in the Supervisor Office area) are the best ways to keep you from catching Covid-19 (or anything else) from others. The face covering rule is still in effect indoors like at the beginning of the season. Please wear your face covering indoors at all times unless you are actively eating/drinking in a designated eating area – not walking down the hall eating or drinking. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) will be actively pulling passes for those team members (and guests) who are not in compliance with this rule. If your pass is pulled because you’re not wearing your face covering correctly (or not at all), don’t come crying to me or another supervisor – you have been amply warned. It’s so easy to NOT get your pass pulled and protect yourself and others from getting sick.






Calling in Sick? Need to change your schedule? Do it in advance!

Please use the Instructor Portal to call in sick and to change your schedule or add more shifts – as far in advance as you can. Letting us know at 9am that you’re not going to make your morning shift is too late. This puts an unnecessary stress and strain on your team mates. We base our lesson sales volume on the number of instructors we have scheduled. If we are night on instructors we cut off sales. If we have plenty of instructors we don’t. But if 20% of the team calls out it really affects everyone. Emailing or texting me or your supervisor directly is not the way to do this.


To “Call In Sick” use the link on the home page of the portal. The homepage of the Portal is here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com  – to call in sick you can use this link: http://mhm.snowproportal.com/calling-in-sick  . If you need to make a schedule change request or pick up an additional shift please use this link (also on the homepage of the Portal): http://mhm.snowproportal.com/schedule-change-requests


March Sunday SnoBlasters

People are loving SnoBlasters and our March Sunday SnoBlaster program is looking to be very popular. We are expecting well over 100 March Sunday SnoBlasters. If you are available to work Sundays in march or want to rearrange your schedule to work with these fun classes – and guaranteed work – please email Shannon.Malamphy@skihood.com your availability and we’ll get you scheduled. It’s so awesome to work with the same kids for 4 consecutive Sundays and see them grow to love skiing and snowboarding with your help!


Safety Tips & Reminders

Warm days and cool nights make for slippery surfaces in the mornings and evenings. Please watch where you are walking, take it slow and look out for slippery spots! These occur in the parking lot, in shady spots on the runs and even in the CLC corral, especially right in front of the equipment containers. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses or goggles – the sun is bright and the air is thinner up here making the UV rays even more intense and likely to burn your skin (or eyes). Wear Gloves – I know it’s warm but skis and boards and racks and all the stuff around us are sharp. Wear gloves when handling equipment and when skiing and riding. This goes for kids too! Speak up if you see something that is not safe. We want your work place to be free from things that can hurt you especially if they are in our control, so if you see something that needs addressing, let us know!



Job Satisfaction Survey

We want to make working and teaching at Mt. Hood Meadows even better so we’d love to hear from you via a quick survey. At the same time, I also want to let you know that all managers have an “open door” policy and we’d love to hear from you on what’s going well and what we can do to make things better – we have a growth mindset and often times great ideas come from you! If you have a moment we’d love to hear how things are going for you and what we can do to improve your work life. Use the link below to anonymously check in with us. Your responses will be sent to Josey, Peter and me.




Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!




Tyler Barnes (he/him)

Learning Center Operations & Training Manager


O: (503) 337-2222 ext.1276

M: (541) 490-4580


SkiHood.com #mthoodmeadows @mthoodmeadows






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