Instructor Update – February 9, 2019 – MLC Instructor Portal

Hello MLC Instructors!


June-uary is over and winter is back full swing. We are hoping you’ll get a chance to come up and enrich your life and the lives of others in 5 feet of new snow that’s coming this week.


Snow in the forecast

Snow Forecast ( is calling for 60+” on snow by Wednesday afternoon. It’s going to be an amazing weekend and mid-week powder fest so come on up and plan to bring your snorkel.



More help on Sundays

We expect that the weather in Portland will affect business levels tomorrow, Sunday February 10, 2019, and it is possible that some buses may cancel. If that happens we will post a message on the Instructor Portal as well as send an all staff email by 6:30am if and only if buses cancel. If you do NOT hear from us, please report for duty as scheduled.


If you have switch your schedule from Saturdays to Sundays or simply add Sundays to your schedule that would be very helpful. We have over 230 kids in SnoBlasters which pulls resources from other areas of our operation, so even if you cannot commit to working multiple Sundays we can really use your help on Sundays. Please use the Schedule Change Request form to add Sundays (or any other days) here:


What does great coaching look and sound like?

Great coaching looks like: students (kids and adults) smiling and having fun; the coach actively sharing the hows and whys of what they want their students to do so they can be successful – don’t just tell your students what to do, but how to do it!; everyone moving at the same time, whether that’s some students hiking up the hill while others are sliding down the hill practicing. Great coaching sounds like: “Great job on your first glide down the hill. If you flex your ankles a little bit more like this, you’ll be balanced more in the middle of the ski/board and it will be easier. Try that on the next go and let me know if that helped you.” Or, “Anna, I really like how you glided down the hill with your arms out in front like you were getting ready to dive into the pool. Now to make a turn, point your hands and arms the way you want to go like this! Come on – let’s try it together!”


Well intended parents, friends (and dare I say instructors) so things like: Stop. Turn. Make your skis parallel! Apply more pressure to toe side! Look up! Move your center of mass …. Yadda, yadda, yadda. These well-meaning verbal outbursts are NOT helpful. You should ask yourself, “Does my student know PHYSICALLY how ….. to do any of the things I’m telling them to do? “ Great coaches share the hows – not just the whats.


How do you “connect with kids?”

Be their most fun coach ever – that’s how! How do I do that? Talk to your kids, find out what they like, something about them, when they went skiing or snowboarding last, and what’s fun about skiing or snowboarding for them – then you’ll have an idea on what to do to make it fun for them! You want every kid to say this when you ask them what’s fun about skiing? Watch the video:



How do you “connect with parents?”

You connect with parents by showing that you are interested in their kids. Learn something about them – favorite food, what they’re learning in school, where their last vacation was, do they have any pets, etc. – then let parents know you know those things, “We had a fun day and I learned that Logan is learning to count by 5’s in school. He was able to count by fives his turns today all the way to 100.” Share with parents what their child learned in the lesson and what they are doing really well. Share with them what they should practice between now and the next lesson. Also, be attentive to face masks, layers, coat cuffs, etc. – if you’ve got little kids they can’t adjust those things very easily on their own – that’s your responsibility to make sure they are warm – being warm and comfortable is being safe. Kids absolutely will not have fun or learn if they are cold and miserable. Do you best to prepare them for the elements, especially considering the upcoming weather forecast. Finally, be that kid’s favorite instructor – that’s how you connect with parents, because you know that kid is going to tell their parent all about their lesson, whether you do or not.


Guest comments – you are enriching people’s lives!

Cait was great!! She really made an effort to work with & bond with Quinn. She goes the extra mile with him. Jesse was great! Highly recommend him! Nothing negative to say. Loren was great! This was my third class and he was one of the best instructors I’ve had. He was very friendly, explained things very well and by the end I felt I had improved a great amount. Brian was great! I had taken a private lesson before which wasn’t great, but Brian was able to adapt easily and was attentive, easy going and fun. I would highly recommend him and would consider requesting another level with him. My daughter loved Greg. He was awesome and she learned a ton. My daughter had a fun day, even in less than ideal weather and snow conditions, with Misha. He adjusted the lesson to the snow conditions and made sure she succeeded, even with icy terrain. Also loved that he was so detailed in the "report card" he gave us. She wants to ride with him again!


Hey – what clinics are happening?

This is possibly the most common question I hear in the locker room. All this information is available on the instructor portal here:



Hope to see you up here for some powder turns this week!








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