Hello MLC Instructors!
Wow! 2020 just keeps on giving! But, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow (whether you can see it or not is another story), winter is coming and Mt. Hood Meadows will open! And you’ll get a chance to ski and ride with friends again! We know that skiing and snowboarding are important to your wellness, and we are taking all the necessary measures to insure your mountain home is ready to welcome you and our guests back for some inspirational days this upcoming season.
We know the 2020-21 Season won’t be without challenge, but we will overcome them. It won’t be without struggle, but struggle is what makes you hearty. It won’t be without fresh powder, but how many days you get will be up to you!
In this update…
Your Stoke Level Survey Responses
Returning Instructor Applications are On-line
Team Member Shuttle – Need Your Input
MLC Department Zoom Town Hall “get stoked for the season” – October Date – TBA
Covid19 Operational Highlights Preview
Your Stoke Level Survey Responses
Out of 143 responses to date regarding your intent to return this season:
· 89 are “High Stoke – Totally in!”
· 40 are “Medium Stoke – I’m in but have some concerns”
· 11 are “Monitoring Stoke – still undecided”
· 3 are “Not returning this season” (moved away, took a “real” job, etc.)
We really appreciate you letting us know your stoke level and sharing whatever concerns you have. If you haven’t let us know you’re stoke level for returning this season you can do so here:
If you’re coming back, please just text message me to re-apply – (just kidding)
All returning instructors must re-apply – yes, everyone. This is the official way of letting everyone know who needs to know that you’re planning to return. An email to Josey or Peter or text message to me is not quite enough to get you into the system.
If you are planning to return this season the returning instructor applications are on-line now! Please use the links below to re-apply for the appropriate position.
Instructor (Part Time) – Returning Team Member:
Instructor (Full Time) – Returning Team Member:
I know some of you eager instructors (about 40 of you!) already applied using the general returning application – that’s great – we have your application and there is no need to apply using the links above.
Team Member Transportation – Need Your Input
Among reimagining our entire operation, we are also trying to gauge the level of importance of the Team Member Shuttle to our department. If you’d take a moment to complete this quick survey on the shuttle we’d greatly appreciate it. This also includes, a quick response of “I don’t use the shuttle” on the survey link below. So if you don’t use the shuttle, also let us know.
Team Member Shuttle Survey: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/team-member-shuttle-survey
Winter Season Re-imagined – MLC Zoom Town Hall – October date TBA
We are still finalizing the re-imagination of operations for the upcoming season in response to Covid19. We appreciate all the Stoke Survey submissions with your comments, concerns and suggestions.
We have been regularly meeting internally and with other schools from around the world on best practices and especially take-aways from those schools that were operating in the southern hemisphere – Australia, New Zealand. It was great to hear from their operations and how many of the precautions and protocols we’re planning to implement, they had already done and lived though them! Very encouraging to say the least.
Other resorts, schools, rental centers, lift operations, etc. from across the US and Canada have been collaborating on how we can operate safely for team members and guests. It’s been an environment of “we’re in this together” with lots of sharing and hardly a sense of competition between resorts and schools. We know there will be high demand. How we collectively address the demand and adhere to best practices in the Covid19 era will be important for all resorts. And it will take a village – we’ll need team members and guest alike to share in the responsibilities of operating within these guidelines or risk no one being able to ski or snowboard.
Covid19 Operational Highlights Preview
· Mt. Hood Meadows will be significantly limiting capacity especially on weekends;
· we plan to offer time specific lift access to help reduce congestion;
· all lift access and lesson products will be advance sales only;
· we plan to have most lessons meet outside even those that typically met inside;
· we are not allowing children ages 6 or under in CLC group lessons
o they tend to require more physical assistance
o may be less likely to be able to self-manage mask wearing and physical distancing;
o they tire more easily and typically require more indoor breaks, etc;
· we will be offering products where families can engage in learning together as a unit in their own “bubble”
o Semi Private Lessons;
o Mommy/Daddy & me;
o Self-Guided Stations (peak days);
o product details to follow;
· we are reducing the adult lesson instructor to student ratios;
· we are making 2-hour, multi-person (2-5 people) semi private lessons more attractive and affordable;
o we expect Private Lessons to be very popular;
· we are encouraging parents to choose a half-day lesson for their 7 and older kids;
o this lesson will meet outside;
o lunch is not provided;
· full day kids lessons for those 7 and older will be highly limited to allow for physical distancing when inside;
o group sizes will be smaller
· all lesson meeting times, breaks and lunch times will be set and staggered to reduce crowding;
· we are likely going to allow you to take your uniform home;
o show up ready for work without having to go into the lodge and/or limit the time spent in the lodge
· there have been no changes to the dependent pass privileges
· there have been no changes to team member skiing and riding access/privileges
o team members are essential to our operation and skiing and riding are core to why you are here
As we finalize more of these operational details we’d love to share them in a Zoom Town Hall meeting in October, where you can hear firsthand from us what we are doing, learn about some of the specific operational changes within our department, ask questions and get excited about the season.
So there is something to look forward to still in 2020 – like the October MLC Town Hall and early season pow!
Yours in snowsports,