All please see Jakes note below and think snow!
From: Jake Bolland
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2014 3:15 PM
To: All Staff
Subject: Suspended operations
Hello all-
I am disappointed to report that we will be suspending operations until further snow accumulation is received. The immediate weather forecast is a major cause for this decision.
The good news is that we have put together a successful operation with what little snow we do have, provided many training opportunities and worked out several kinks in our systems.
We will continue to keep all informed during this pause, but for planning purposes will look to fire back up towards the end of next week (12/11 – 12/13). This of course depends on weather patterns.
Rest assured, snow is coming and we will be firing on all cylinders in no time.
Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks.
Jake Bolland
Vice President; Operations and Administration
Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Resort
( (503) 337-2222 x1408 | F (503) 337-2232
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