Hello MLC Instructors!

Tomorrow Sunday January 9, 2022 is going to be THE DAY! Blue bird day, with sunny skies and great conditions. Today, we filled all parking lots by 10am, which was a preview for tomorrow.

If you are not already scheduled for tomorrow and can pick up an extra shift, you’ll earn a “Work A Day Voucher” for tomorrow’s shift whether you teach, or greet, or rove – whatever. We need all MLC instructors who can add tomorrow to do it!

If you can pick up a shift for tomorrow – Sunday January 9, 2022 please “reply all” to this email and we’ll add you to the schedule! Send email to: skischoolsupervisors@skihood.com

Part of the issue is that there are many instructors who are in a “return to work protocol for Covid-19 reasons” – either exposure, symptoms or actually being sick with Covid-19, so many instructors who were scheduled for today and tomorrow cannot make it.

If you are working tomorrow, plan to be in the parking lot by no later than 7:30am!



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