Annual Training Survey

This is when you tell us how your season's training went. How'd it go? What did we do well? What can we do better?

What disciplines did you train with? (Check all that apply)(Required)
Did you teach multiple sports? Did you cross-train in one but rarely got to teach it?

Are you PSIA-AASI certified?(Required)
How can we make certification more interesting or accessible to you as an instructor?

How often did you make it out to train with us this year?(Required)

If you trained with us beyond the minimum requirement, please CONTINUE with the survey. If you did NOT, please let us know how we can make training better for you.

N/ADon't do it!MaybeeeeGood enoughRad sauce!!
Short email blurbs
SMS group texts
Direct calls
Direct texts
In person
Info on Portal
Info on Team page
Dayforce emails
Video recordings
Zoom calls
Social media
Longer emails once a month

We know you're inundated with all the info from everywhere. How can we minimize the clutter and focus on the goods?

Did you learn any new tricks? Explore new terrain? Get better at teaching kids? All the things, in and out of training stuff.
Killed itGood StuffS'OkayCoulda Been BetterWeak Sauce
Did we bring relevant and useful info to you? Were we accessible? Did we give good feedback in clinics?
This doesn't have to be training related! But it could be....

N/A Didn't DoBleh!!!MehhhhGood stuffRad sauce!!
New Hire or Rehire
FS Accred
Early Load
Evening Exam Prep
Non-Exam Clinics
All Day Exam Prep
Crossover Training
9:30 AM Clinics
1:15 PM Clinics
Paid Clinics
E-Learning Courses
Movement Analysis Zoom

Who led it? Why was it memorable or amazing?

Were there any surprises? How was the feedback? Did you trainer support you in questions that you had?

Is there stuff we can do better? Would you like to see more of something else? Are there better days or times for you to train?

Thank you for a great season and see you next year!

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