Hello Fellow MHM Snow Pros!


It’s been an amazing January so far! And as February approaches, the days are getting even longer, so those “evening clinics” will be almost “Day Skiing and Riding Clinics” before the end of February. So good! There are some new clinics that have been added to the training calendar, so let’s get right to it!


First Chair Clinics

Every morning at 8:45am we will meet in the adult lesson meeting area, gather our thoughts for a First Chair Clinic, then head over to the lift for about a 30 minute clinic. What’s great about this clinic and timeframe is you can leverage it for some wellness runs and get some ideas on what to do with your next class … that is starting in just a few minutes. There is no need to sign up for this clinic. Just show up (out of uniform) and ready to ski/ride and learn something new. We will finish up in time for you to get your uniform and make it to your scheduled lesson area on time. These are voluntary, unpaid clinics.


Telemark Clinics with National Team Member Greg Dixon

Tele For All on 1/28- Whether you’re just breaking into the sport or are a seasoned knee dropper, come and check out the latest in telemark technique from the National level. Come join PSIA-AASI National Team Member Greg Dixon who will be leading this clinic. Wow! What an opportunity to ski with one of the best. We do not have Telemark rentals at MHM. These are voluntary, unpaid clinics.



Tele Certification Training on 1/29 – Whether you’re thinking about going for your level 1, 2, or 3 telemark certification or just want to know what PSIA telemark is all about, come join us for an informational and action packed clinic. Come join PSIA-AASI National Team Member Greg Dixon who will be leading this clinic. Wow! What an opportunity to ski with one of the best. Greg’s nickname is the “Telelama”. We do not have Telemark rentals at MHM. These are voluntary, unpaid clinics.



XO Clinic – What’s that?

Hugs and kisses? No … Cross over! Do you teach snowboarding and want to learn to ski and teach skiing? Do you teach skiing and want to learn to snowboard and teach snowboarding? Then these clinics are for you! And yes, these are paid trainings. You will need some extra time to get rentals if you don’t have them already. We’ll be offering these in February so you can be ready to teach it all ASAP!




And remember this …

You can never be someone’s first instructor more than one time. This is a special opportunity presented to you each and every time you have the opportunity to teach first timers. Keep this in mind when given the opportunity to take out those First Timer lessons. And remember, this may be just another lesson for you, but it’s a once in lifetime experience for your students.


Yours in snowsports!





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