Hello MHM Instructors!


Whoop, whoop! Spring is here, but NOAA says we could get as much as 27 inches of new snow between now and Saturday morning. There is something for everyone in this week’s email, so read on!



Schedule Commitments – Are you committed?

We are in the process of reviewing submitted schedule commitments and actual days you’ve worked. If you called in sick or need to make up shifts to complete you schedule commitment (and enrich people’s lives), please sign up to add days here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/schedule-change-requests



It’s officially Spring  – as of Tuesday March 20 at 9:15am Pacific Time

“Springtime and the livin’s easy.” Oregon Spring Break starts on March 24 through April 1 and Washington Spring Break starts on March 31 through April 8 – Seattle area school are out April 9-13 and we’ll be seeing some guests from the Seattle metro area. If you need to pick up some shifts to fulfill your schedule commitment please add 1, 2, 3 or more days using this link: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/schedule-change-requests. Add in the comments if you’re picking more days that the form allows you to choose. If you can commit to being here for 3 days in a row during OR and/or WA Spring Break then signup to work the Spring Kids Camp dates. They are March 26-28 and April 2-4. Please use the link below to add these days and include in the comments that you want to work the Spring Kids Camp!  https://mhm.snowproportal.com/schedule-change-requests


5th Grade Ski & Ride Day – Correction – April 10th, 12th, 13th and 17th (not 19th)

Mt. Hood Meadows provides free rentals plus ski and snowboard lessons to fifth graders! Pretty cool, huh? All they need to do is let us know they are coming and get up here. The dates right now are April 10th, 12th, 13th and 17th. This is such a fun lesson to teach because all the kids know each other and their skipping normal school to come to ski and snowboard school! Please signup to work one of these magical days. And you know if you start kids skiing or snowboarding before the age of 12 they are likely to ski and snowboard for the rest of their lives! Join us on these dates – sign up here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/schedule-change-requests



Mondays and Tuesdays – Still Need Help

We have been short staffed on Mondays and Tuesdays lately. If you are full time instructor please check in with one of the supervisors or managers about switching from your other mid-week days to a Monday or Tuesday so you’ll get the hours you need and we’ll have the coverage for lessons our guests expect. If you are a part time instructor and can pick up a shift on a Monday or Tuesday, please add a shift by clicking this link: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/schedule-change-requests



Hood River Alpine MA is tonight from 6-8pm!

If you don’t come we’re not going to hold these anymore and THIS IS THE TIME to come and hone your MA skills before exam time! Portland MS group meets every Tuesday! Next week the Snowboard MA Group will meet in Hood River.



The Vista Experience

Mark, Chris, Josey, Jeremy and I met with John Bain from Patrol and Rob Gayman from Fleet Grooming last week about how we can improve the Vista Experience for green level skiers and snowboarders. Vista Ridge trail has always been really good at the top but once you get to the intersection of Vista Ridge and My Ty trail, things got a little challenging – not anymore! Rob Gayman, the Fleet Grooming Manager has flattened out the side hill traverse from My Ty to the south boundary on Vista Ridge trail, to where the trail and the fall line are nearly aligned! They have widened the grooming on lower Vista Ridge trail, making it easier for green level skiers and riders, plus the get back cat track that follows the lower rope line has been groomed out so there is no side hill and the final roller where our students always got stuck is now gone! I would advise you go check it out prior to taking your students up there. Also, as usual, be advised that the weather and visibility at the top of Vista Ridge can be much different than the bottom, so please exercise caution when taking students up Vista for the first time – see attached hand out for guests we’ve developed too!



Pig Tales – you pay, we tell!

When you pay the pig you must confess too! Here’s some of the latest “pig tales” …. From Anonymous – cash and note slipped under my door: Side stepping up to Ballroom Carpet and fell over during my Level I exam ($4 paid)! Jim Ragowski.: Sat down on the snow bank in the parking lot and slipped off and landed on my bum, but didn’t drop my coffee ($5 paid)! Jeremy Dirk: Stivets down Mitchell Creek on a mash potato day is a BAD IDEA. I lost a ski and a snowboarder had to bring me my ski and poles ($2 paid). Jack Director: 540 on Zoo box in uniform with Freeride class crash and in the Steeps Clinic, toppled over when I came to a stop – they all saw me ($2 paid)! Cheri Roulet: Had a cling on at Buttercup ($3 paid). Eric Callahan: Jig Saw jump landed back seat and ski popped off in Freestyle clinic ($2). Kenny Allen: Fell in the “Home Base” flats area during a one-ski skiing warmup during a first timer lesson – “It made my student’s feel much better about being a beginner.” (Only $0.25 – he’s a full timer). And finally, Ryan Coussens: So I caught an edge in a private lesson while attempting to do a hockey stop on variable wind packed powder. The client made me stay there until he was able to get a picture ($Priceless).



Level I Exams – April 8 and 21

These are the 2 weekend dates for the Alpine and Snowboard Level I exams this season at Mt. Hood Meadows. Sunday April 8 and Saturday April 21. Some of you have been asking for a mid-week exam. Please coordinate this with the other 2 people that want to take the exam with you. Also, you must complete the written exam (on-line, costs $10) and signup for the on-snow modules (on-line, costs $20) two weeks prior to the on-snow exam date. This means this Sunday is the deadline for the April 8 exam. You must also join PSIA-AASI which costs $117 annually with all kinds of great member benefits and pro deals from many manufacturers.



Congratulations – Newly Minted Level I Alpine and Snowboard Instructors

Last Sunday was the day when Liam Corrigan, Ben Jaggers, Molly Jennings, Imm-o Singleton and Damian Skerbeck received their Alpine Level I certification! Karen Edwards, Humaira Falkenberg, Rayna Morton, Tyler Pagano and Nate Pascal received their Level I Snowboard certification! Awesome job everyone!



Speaking of PSIA-AASI Certification

Here’s a photo of THE Glen Plake (second from the left) receiving his Alpine Level II Certification at Schweitzer at a PSIA-NW exam. I was not his examiner, but he did attend a 3-day Level II prep clinic with me a few weeks before his exam! I taught him how to do Wedge Christies! Even “skiing legends” like Glen Plake get certified! If you are thinking of taking an exam at Mt. Hood Meadows on April 14-15, get signed up right away!

Jeff Cordell's photo.


Jenn Lockwood gets to go skiing!

As you may know, Jenn Lockwood (PSIA-NW Technical Team Member, PSIA-NW Children’s Clinician, MHM Alpine Trainer, the extra person in my office) was involved in a car wreck 3 days before the beginning of the season. Well, good news, she has been cleared for skiing on green groomed runs! Come join us for some “greens with Jenn” starting this Saturday!



Snow Skates – what is this all about?

HYGEN – ONE STEP AHEAD - Sled Dogs Snowskates USA - Performance Snowskates - Speed - USA Sled Dogs

Come take a clinic with Francesco next week (if you’re not working). Employees are encouraged to try out our snow skates, the only requirement is to sign a waiver and fill out a review. You can get them through the rental shop. Further, and this is new as of today, Sled Dogs USA has set up a promo code for Meadows employees only. This will give us 20% off as well as free shipping until June 1st, after that it will drop to 15% off. The code, to be used at usasleddogs.com is Skate_M3@dows. We also have a code we can give out to the general public, and are encouraged to. The code is SNOWSKATEMEADOWS and will give customers a free pair of guards along with their purchase, but its main purpose is to help SledDogs track resort-generated sales, which should be beneficial to our partnership.


Apres Ski Music in the Alpenstube – with Fancesco, too!

Image may contain: one   or more people and people playing musical instruments

The famous Fancesco Gentinetta will be playing music in the Alpenstube from 2:30 to 4:30pm this Friday! Note from him:

“Just tell folks to bring their dancing shoes! I’ll mostly be playing originals but I’ve picked the most lively ones. There will also be a special guest appearance from a well known ski instructor!”


Check out other upcoming events at Mt. Hood Meadows like Brew fest, Town Challenge, Demo Days, Mazo:




This week’s guest comments about you!

·         Absolutely outstanding… hands down. Greg (DeHaven) performed WAY above and beyond what I expected for my 4 year old’s first lesson. He was kind and engaging, and brought my shy kid out of his shell. He was specific with his instructions and critiques. He was comfortable asking me to hang back for the second half of the lesson so he could connect more directly with my son. I was so impressed, and got the impression he would be an outstanding instructor for any level.

·         Alex (Pugliese) is awesome, patient, knowledgeable, and she freaking rips! I had at least 10 good take aways that I can work on that will greatly improve my riding.

·         I can’t remember my instructors name but it was the March 18th, 9am class for beginner snowboarders. She was absolutely amazing and I had so much fun! I’ve gone for about four years now and could never quite master toe-side turns until she gave me the piece of advise that fixed everything! All in all I had a great experience with my lesson.

·         Cole was awesome. He had a difficult situation (a classic split) with all different levels and handled it as best he could. I really enjoyed that he took us through some of the smaller terrain parks (the Zoo) and taught us how to take jumps.

·         Brian (Beardley) was very friendly, professional, knowledgeable and an excellent teacher.

·         I wish I knew his name because I would like commend him as being an excellent instructor! He was willing to go over the end time a little so that we could have a great experience!

·         My kids enjoy the ski school lesson and have lots of fun with the instructor Eric.

·         Immo was absolutely amazing. My daughter was very nervous and she has a hard time trying new things. He was very patient and got her to enjoy learning

·         Our son LOVES Louis A. And he’s shown great progress in the two classes we’ve had with him. He’s talked to us about a couple things we can do in our off time to improve his balance and getting him more comfortable on the ski lift. He is really encouraging and our son even showed us how to practice our toe turns after the lesson on Louis’ advice.

·         Instructor Eric Callahan was fantastic. Great energy, fun and motivating for the girls to learn on their first time. Would definitely connect with Eric to do a lesson in future. My girls are still doing one of the fun games he taught them on the magic carpet to kill time.

·         John (?) My son said he "loved" the lesson and learned a lot. This was our first time doing a lesson at Meadows (and at any ski resort) and the experience exceeded our expectations. Thanks to everyone for a great evening lesson for my 6-year-old!

·         Can’t recall (bummer) – Honestly I was super impressed with the structure, timing and care. The feedback from the instructor was fantastic. Also the break at 12 was a perfect time to decide to continue or take some turns with me- which worked out perfect. We rode the tube together 5 times and he did great.

·         Molly was great!

·         Molly was awesome. Gabe loved her and keeps asking to go back so she can teach him again. Thanks so much!

·         Francesco – Yep thanks a ton for helping with my turning. I can also do those flat 360 turns more confidently now too.


And here’s one interesting one from a group lesson comment, “9 new snowboarders between 2 instructors is spreading them too thin.” Giving us a score of 3.2 out of 10. Wow, I would think that 4 or 5 in a class is just about right – what do you think?



Afternoon Clinics

Now that nights are over, we’ll have clinic happening at 1:15pm meeting in the Adult Lesson meeting area for those who don’t get work or are not scheduled to work. Check the clinic calendar here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/calendar We have an Adaptive Clinic scheduled with Kathleen Priest – if you want to learn about Adaptive lessons – talk about enriching people’s lives!



Looking for a Summer Gig? Want to keep teaching?

Jason Watts says … Knowing what I know about snow sports instructors from my previous life as one:), I have full confidence that with proper instruction, we can train motivated, certified ski and snowboard instructors to be intermediate windsurfers AND have them instructing intro and beginner lessons with a brief, but intense, training course in early May.  My co-worker Eddy, a long time windsurfer with 20 plus years of teaching experience will be leading the training.   Exact details on their training are still in the works, but it will be a free opportunity to learn to windsurfer, and a great pathway to a decent paying summer job on the water.  Training will not be paid, but hourly instructor pay will be well above minimum wage to start, with incentive pay for larger classes and requests, as well as raises based on performance and gratuities.


To offer the training course, I am going to need to find a small group (3-5 people ideally) to make it worth Eddy’s time to do the training.  If you know of anyone at Meadows who you think would be excited to get into wind sports in the Gorge and is looking for a great summer job, please send them my way on Thursday! Contact: Jason Watts, Manager at Big Winds in Hood River –  541-386-6086 or via email jason@bigwinds.com







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