Hello Learning Center Instructors!


The season is upon us! I appreciate everyone’s patience while we get the schedule submission form dialed in. We are really trying to avoid scheduling you on days when you won’t work. We heard many comments about how we need to improve our utilization and hopefully this will be one step in that improvement.


That said, the schedule submission form is ready … but due to the complexity of the form it takes a bit to process and load each step of the form, so be patient when using the form. Clicking multiple times will not help – click once and wait for the loading twirler to finish – that is the best way to insure your submission is accepted without error. We are looking at options to help speed it up, but at the moment, in an effort to get schedules coming in, we’re asking for your patience while completing the schedule submission form.


You will need to be logged in to submit a schedule. If you don’t know your password, you may need to reset it. Follow the link and instructions to reset your password on the instructor portal. Check your junk mail folder for the password reset link if you don’t receive it immediately after requesting it. I just tested the password reset form and it works perfectly for me to my personal Gmail account – even though I have heard from some of you that it’s “not working” – need more information if you are one of those people.


Note: It is possible that your account is no longer active if it’s been a while since you’ve been on the team, so if you don’t get a password reset link when you ask for one, then send an email to skischoolsupervisors@skihood.com (i.e. no user account with that email address message appears), and we’ll get your account re-activated or create a new one. This is NOT an automated process as we want to get your old account turned back on if it exists and update your email address if it has changed.


Schedule Submission page: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/current-staff/instructor-schedule-submissions


If you were here for the “Preview Weekend” last Saturday or Sunday – wasn’t it awesome!? Well, if the weather keeps coming as expected this week we plan to open this weekend – cross your fingers, flush ice cubes down the toilet and sleep with a spoon under your pillow. We’ll be reaching out for those who would like to work this weekend, as this weekend is NOT available on the schedule submission form. It probably won’t be too busy with lessons, but I know that John Bailey, Shane, Corbin, Kathi and a few others got to teach the first lessons of the season! What an honor.


Mt. Hood Meadows on its preview day November 2018




See some of you this weekend!





1 Comment
  1. Pat Heffron 6 years ago

    I can not log into the schedule submission area
    Trying to get this wrapped up this week

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