Hello Mt. Hood Meadows Learning Center Instructors!


Welcome to the 2018-19 season and one of the most fun jobs you will ever have – we are open! It’s looking like Mt. Hood Express and possibly Shooting Star will open tomorrow – conditions permitting – and run all weekend 9am to 4pm!


In this email…

We’re Open! Want to teach this weekend?

Northwest Association of Blind Athletes – Saturday Help -12 Instructors needed!

Schedule Submission Reminder

Company Orientation Video is On-line

What if I don’t have my pass yet – how will I be able to ski/ride?



We’re Open! Want to teach this weekend?

Yes, you heard it. We are open with Mt. Hood Express and possibly Shooting Star tomorrow (and all weekend). We are looking for some instructors to pick up shifts this weekend. If you have availability and want to enrich people’s lives (and start accruing some goal hours), then come up and teach. To let us know you want to work – and I know you do! – please use this form: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/schedule-change-requests



Northwest Association of Blind Athletes – Saturday Help -12 Instructors needed!

NWABA (http://nwaba.org/) – check their homepage complete with a Mt. Hood Meadows instructor – is coming up with 12 athletes and 3 ski guides. We need your help with this group. It’s a 1-to-1 ratio student to instructor and one of the most amazing gifts you can give someone – to be their eyes and guide them down the slopes at Mt. Hood Meadows. They will be arriving at 9am and plan to be out on snow from 10am to 1pm. If you can help out with this important group please send an email to skischoolsupervisors@skihood.com and we’ll get you on the schedule to help. This is a 9:15am start time meeting in the Rental Center.


Schedule Submission Reminder

I sent out an email earlier this week about schedule submissions. We have had more than 100 instructors submit their schedules. We still have a ways to go, so head over to the link below to submit your schedule.



Company Orientation Video is On-line

For those of you who missed the company orientation it is now available on-line. You’ll need to be logged in to access the orientation video. It’s 58 minutes long and you are paid for 1 hour of meeting time. There is a knowledge test at the end of the video that you’ll need to get a 100% on in order to proceed.


What if I don’t have my pass yet – how will I be able to ski/ride?

Sign up to teach this weekend and that’s a sure fire way to ski/ride – we’ll issue you a day pass from Human Resources. For all employees that have been hired but have not completed all their pre-employment steps – like watching the company orientation and submitting a schedule – you may get a pre-fully-on-boarded day ticket in Human Resources. Please just go straight there to get a ticket. If you have submitted your schedule and have attended or watched the company orientation please see Jillianne in the Day Care office to get your signed pass form – then you will be able to take the form to Human Resources and get your team member pass.


Here we go! See you this weekend!





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