Hello Mt Hood Meadows Instructors!


Mt. Hood Meadows is officially opening for the winter of 2017/2018 on Saturday, December 2nd at 8:55am – for our 50th Anniversary Season – with 7 day a week operations!  We will be opening for the season which means next we’ll have Re-hire Training and possible shifts you can pick up in the coming days and weeks.



Photo from today at Noon




Tomorrow, Saturday Dec 2nd our friends from North West Association for Blind Athletes (MWABA) will be coming up for their first out of seven visits. I know a lot of you have worked with the group before, it is very awarding experience to be able to share our passion of skiing and snowboarding with others who are vision impaired. We are looking for 5 alpine and 3 snowboard instructors for this group tomorrow! Please email Josey or Mark if interested in having the time of your life. Josey.rice@skihood.com  mark.fischer@skihood.com



We have some exciting news!  Jeremy Dirk has accepted the position of Ski & Snowboard Program Supervisor.  Jeremy has already been very present in the outdoor programs for quite a few years, being a Supervisor and point person for Trailblazers and Mid-week Educational programs, so this is going to be an easy transition into this role. We are very excited to have Jeremy take over this new position, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for the programs.



We have some fun positions that are available this season, so if you or someone you know would like to work at the mountain, but aren’t sure if teaching is what they want to do, then check out these positions that we are currently hiring for.  Go to www.skihood.com/jobs to apply.


Ski and Snowboard School Supervisors – we will be hiring two utility Supervisors for this upcoming season.  We are looking for highly motivated individuals that can work independently and in a group setting.  The duties would include helping supervise daily operations in all areas of the ski and ride school.  This includes adult and children’s daily walk-in lessons, multi-week programs and private lessons.


FunZone Lift Attendant – Ski and Snowboard School will also be hiring three Funzone Lift attendants this season and are looking for, kid-loving, fun and outgoing individuals that can work outside in all weather.  They must be at least 18 years old for this position.

Full Time Alpine Instructors – We are still currently looking for more Full Time Alpine instructors. This could be the most memorable winter or your life as a full time instructor.




If you are interested in coming back to teach this season and haven’t already reapplied, the Returning Instructor Requisition is up and ready to go. 

To Re-apply as a returning instructor:

·         Go to https://chj.tbe.taleo.net/chj06/ats/careers/v2/searchResults?org=MEADOWS&cws=40

·         Go to the upper right hand portion of your screen and select LOGIN

o   You will not need to register, because you already have a profile from last year.

·         Enter your Email and Password

o   If you have forgotten your password, select ‘forgotten password’ and they will send you a link to create an new one

·         Once logged in, you can search for job openings.

·         Find the Instructor – Returning FT or Instructor – Returning PT and select APPLY or select the links below.

o   Returning Part Time: https://chj.tbe.taleo.net/chj06/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=MEADOWS&cws=40&rid=535

o    Returning Full Time: https://chj.tbe.taleo.net/chj06/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=MEADOWS&cws=40&rid=534 

§  Please don’t select Returning Employee, as that takes longer for Human Resources to get us your application.

·         Since you have worked at Meadows last year, all your information should be saved in your Taleo Profile. 

o   Please double check your contact information to make sure it is still correct.

Closer to the beginning of the season, Human Resources will be sending out an email with any information you will need to update for this upcoming season.  This will also include another background check from Talentwise if yours has expired.  Please make sure to fill them out and get them back as those are time sensitive.



If you did not attend the company orientation you may watch the company orientation on the instructor portal. You must be logged into view it and you will need to complete the questionnaire about the orientation. You must watch the company orientation (or have attended it in person), and submit your schedule for the season, in order to receive your employee pass.

Orientation Video is here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/bus-schedule



Schedule submissions have been steadily coming in. If you have not yet submitted your season schedule please do so here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/current-staff/instructor-schedule-submissions



You probably heard already from HR that there is an employee appreciation party this evening Friday December 1, 2017 starting at 5:30pm. Free food and discounted drinks are available.


Here we go!





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