Hello Mt Hood Meadows Instructors!

What an epic day today! 11 inches of new snow, new Learning Terrain Features being added at Ballroom Carpet, the new Children’s Fun Zone up and running in its new location, great pow in 2 Bowl and O-Ring, a really great bunch of new instructors pitching in where needed and enriching people’s lives … and 11 inches of new snow – oops I said that already. Plus smiling faces at Adult Lineup – see photo!


Schedule Submissions – got yours in?

If you have not yet sent in your schedule commitment, we need it ASAP.

Submit your schedule here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/current-staff/instructor-schedule-submissions


We are using an inventory pool for on-line sales, and this is based on who is scheduled on what days … so please get those schedules in! And if you want to enrich people’s lives more than your minimum schedule commitment, please add more days! You can add more days here:




Want to work a few days over the holiday? Great come on up!

If you want to work over the Christmas Winter Break holiday period (Dec. 26 – Jan. 1), please let us know. It’s going to be busy and we’d love to have you here to share your passion with all our guests. You get paid, you get to work your fun job, you might get some extra holiday cheer from guests if you give them a great lesson. You can add more days here:




Traffic? What traffic?

Uh, yes – traffic. If you are working over the holidays, weekends or peak days please plan to leave your home so that you can be in the main parking lot by 7:45am. Better yet, take the employee bus, and get dropped off right at the lodge. No stressful driving. During the holidays we are also offering a FREE shuttle to and from the mountain for guests and employees from Hood River. Get the details here:




Red Lanyards & Lesson Upgrades

Be looking for First Time Lesson Guests with a Red Lanyard. Inside the lanyard pouch should be their lesson voucher, the RFID lift ticket, a free drink coupon redeemable for hot chocolate, coffee or a fountain drink to celebrate their first lesson … plus an upgrade call to action! Any guest taking a 2 hour adult group lesson may upgrade to two additional hours for just $20! If they are taking a one-day group package (lift, lesson and rentals) they can upgrade to two more times for just $75. If you “sell” the upgrade (it practically sells itself), you can receive a $3 commission. This is a great way to help our guests maximize their time at the mountain and really get hooked on the sport with your help. Plus you get a little something for your efforts.



Business Cards– order them now!

The first bulk business card order was placed. 18 lucky instructors have received their cards – they are just to the right of my office door, in the lounge, next to the big TV. We need 7 more full time or part time instructors to order cards. If you are a full timer, we pay for one box of 250 cards per season for you – that’s a $28 value. Part timers may order them too with a credit card. Order them here:





I’m really looking forward to seeing you over the coming days!


Yours in snowsports,






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