
8:00 am - 4:15 pm


Sahale Lodge
14040 Hwy 35, Mt. Hood, Oregon, 97041

Event Type

All instructor training!

Returning, Experienced and First-Season instructors will attend!

You must attend 1 of the 2 dates: either this date or 11/13/2024 and you must complete your Dayforce payroll verification steps 72 hours in advance of this training day. Details will be sent via email about this important step – so we can pay you!

See the link below for Welcome Home Session Transportation Schedule:

Plan your day:

  • 8:00-9:15: Returning Instructors: Uniforms and Lockers are at your leisure
  • 8:00-9:15: First Season and Experienced Instructors New to Meadows – Meet in the Children’s Learning Center @ 8:00AM
  • 9:15AM – MLC Welcome in Vertical – 3rd Floor North Lodge
  • 10:15AM  – Module Rotation #1
  • 11:30AM – Module Rotation #2
  • 12:30PM –  Light Lunch provided – sandwich makings with dietary options
  • 1:45PM – Module Rotation #3
  • 3:00PM – Company Welcome Home Session in Vertical
  • 4:15PM – Social with non-host bar (beer, wine, soft beverages)

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Josey, Peter, Hannah or Tyler.

Who signed up?

Displaying 1 - 193 of 193

George Acosta
Kathy Aimonetti
Avery Amable
Ileigh Amable
Kirsten Anderson
Kirsten Anderson
Rolando Aquilizan
Ally Baker
Jason Baldwin
Megan Barton
Megan Barton
Megan Barton
Danton Kraig Batty
Lee Belmont
Ailish Beveridge
Walker Bolan
Branko Briggs
Kaitlin Brotemarkle
Jesse Burke-Allmon
Mackenzie Burton
Traci Butler
Allison Butler
suzanne buxton
Andrew Buxton
Katie Calhoun
Edgar Carbajal
Brittany Casperson
Robin Chapin
Robin Chapin
Matthew Chen
Milli Chennell
Natalia Creagh-Grave
seren curtis
Nicole Dalton
Alex Danilevsky
Destinie Davis
Grant Diffendaffer
Alec Douglas
Kevin Drake
Philip (Michael) Drake
Brett Duvall
Benjamin Dyke
Andrew English
stu fadness
Katie Feucht
Brian Feucht
Mark Fischer
Benjamin Fowler
Sunny Freeman
matthew Gerlick
Burdock Gerlick
Maggie Gibson
Genevieve Gollier
Vijay Pothi Raj Govindaraj
Damon Gritzka
Robert Grossnickle
Mike Haase
Mike Haase
Katie Hageman
Jason Hartmann
Scott Hege
Matthew Hilla
Caleb Hilton
Tricia Hipps
Oliver Hoffman
Ronald Hoffmeister
Nathan Holland
Kyla Hovinghoff
Christopher Hudson
Olson Humphrey
Brent Husband
Zach Hutchens
Pehr Jacobson
Catherine Jager
Meghan Johns
Kenneth Jones
todd jones
Haven Josberger
Claire Kealy
Rich Kendrick
Rich Kendrick
Ozzie Kern
Tyler Kilpatrick
Emily Kitali
Adam Kneeland
Sonja Kolstoe
Adrian Krupa
Chris Lafrenz
Heather Laird
Grace Lambert
Desmond Lathrop
John Leahy
Haoran Li
Ying Liu
Penelope Lord
Kathryn Lowry
Jude Lynn
Yunzhe(Thomas) Ma
john Manix
Richard Mario
Richard Mario
Josh Mathieson
Sam McClean
Roxanne McClure
Kiersten McClure
Finnian McGarvey
Brett McLaren
Natalie McPhillips
Jessie McQuiston
Jaimie Meldrum
David Mendies
Mikhael Mendies
David Miller
Misha Miller-Hughes
Oliver Mitchell
Curtis Moroni
Gregg Morris
Keith Mussallem
Tatiana Muzica
Tatiana Muzica
Scott Newell
Jeff Noelker
Jeff Noelker
Brendan O'Connell
Abbie O'Neil
Justin Olson
Cedric Palacios
Moses Pape
Nicholas Pape
Pamela Partington
Pat Pearson-Henry
Pat Pearson-Henry
Craig Pieringer
Cayce Pitts
George Pitzer
Jeffrey Poirier
Rod Polintan
Keith Pulley
Anna Querbach
Steven Ralich
Nic Ratliff
Julie Rawland
Max Reed
Max Reed
Mikah Reslier
Nicole Riley
Nicole Riley
Kari Rittenour
Jeff Robideau
Cole Robinson
Colin Root
Owen Roth
Alisha Salazar
Christopher Savage
heidi schmidgall
Hannah Sebring
Lindsay Simonds
Kyle Skutch
Eric Skutch
Pablo Solano
Michelle Stantial
Val Stepanchuk
Annette Stroud
tao tao
Ron Te
Holly Tencer
Oliver Thoman
Henry Thoman
Cezar Trinidad
David Twigg
Katherine Valentine
Russ Van Orman
Cayla Waite
Fa Wang
Daniel Weiskopf
Crey Wieber
Jacob Wiessner
Daniel Wild
Hazel Wojton
Hazel Wojton
Juliet Wonderlick
Juliet Wonderlick
Kayla Wood
Eric Yang
Yang Yang
Dana Yenko
Kathy Yuen
Ashley Zagst
Zhijian Zhang
Tomas Zilka
Zdenek Zumr

Who's Coming?


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