General Instructions Please complete this form to submit your preferred minimum of 10 shifts this season to work as a Junior Instructor. You may choose more than 10 shifts if you would like to work more.I am a Junior Instructor ages 14 or 15 Yes No Whoops! If you are not a Junior Instructor ages 14 or 15 please complete a Part-time Instructor schedule as we expect that 16-and-17-year old instructors will graduate to full instructor this season! Please use this link: Instructor Schedule RequestName(Required) First Last Email(Required) You an only submit your schedule once. And we lock down additional submission by a unique email address. If you need to resubmit your schedule request please email a supervisor so we can remove your old entry. Send email to: skischoolsupervisors@skihood.comMobile Phone(Required)Primary Teaching Discipline(Required)SkiingSnowboardingPlease choose the discipline that you will be primarily teaching for your scheduled shifts. Preferred SchedulePreferred Day Shifts - Choose 10 Thu. Dec. 26 Fri. Dec. 27 Sat. Dec. 28 Sun. Dec. 29 Mon. Dec. 30 Tue. Dec. 31 Sat. Jan. 4 Sun. Jan. 5 Sat. Jan. 11 Sun. Jan. 12 Sat. Jan. 18 Sun. Jan. 19 Mon. Jan. 20 Sat. Jan. 25 Sun. Jan. 26 Sat. Feb. 1 Sun. Feb. 2 Sat. Feb. 8 Sun. Feb. 9 Sat. Feb. 15 Sun. Feb. 16 Mon. Feb. 17 Sat. Feb. 22 Sun. Feb. 23 Sat. Mar. 1 Sun. Mar. 2 Sat. Mar. 8 Sun. Mar. 9 Sat. Mar. 15 Sun. Mar. 16 Sat. Mar. 22 Sun. Mar. 23 Mon. Mar. 24 Tue. Mar. 25 Wed. Mar. 26 Thu. Mar. 27 Fri. Mar. 28 Sat. Mar. 29 Sun. Mar. 30 Pick at least 10 of these dates to work this season. You may work more than 10.Share any comments you have about your schedule below