General Instructions Please complete this form to submit your preferred weekly work schedule. During this submission you will be asked to enter some of your personal contact info, returning and experienced certified instructors will be asked to upload a photo of your PSIA-AASI Membership Card to verify your certifications (if any), as well as share any additional skills you have like language fluency, etc. The availability submission portion of this process is where you choose the shifts you would be available to consistently work this season.I am a full time instructor Yes No Whoops! If you are not a full time instructor this is not the method for submitting your teaching days availability.Full Time Schedule RequestName(Required) First Last Email(Required) You an only submit your schedule once. And we lock down additional submission by a unique email address. If you need to resubmit your schedule request please email a supervisor so we can remove your old entry. Send email to: skischoolsupervisors@skihood.comMobile Phone(Required)Are you an instructor who is attending first season instructor training this season?(Required) Yes, I am a First Season instructor No, I'm a returning or experienced instructor Primary Teaching Discipline(Required)SkiingSnowboardingPlease choose the discipline that you will be primarily teaching for your scheduled shifts.Portrait Photo(Required) Drop files here or select files Max. file size: 8 MB, Max. files: 1. We're creating a photo wall and maybe even a "year book." Please upload a portrait photo of yourself. Are you a current PSIA-AASI Member (dues paid or will be for this season)?(Required) Yes No Certification & AccreditationsCurrent PSIA-AASI Membership CardAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.Please take a photo of your PSIA-AASI Membership Card (like with your phone) and attach it here.PSIA Alpine Cert LevelRegisteredLevel ILevel IILevel IIIAASI Snowboard Cert LevelRegisteredAASI Level IAASI Level IIAASI Level IIIPSIA Telemark Cert LevelRegisteredLevel ILevel IILevel IIIPSIA Cross Country Cert LevelRegisteredLevel ILevel IILevel IIIAdaptive Cert LevelRegisteredLevel ILevel IILevel IIIChildren's SpecialistCS FoundationsCS1 / ACE1CS2 / ACE2Freestyle SpecialistFS FoundationsFS1FS2Senior SpecialistSenior Specialist FoundationsSenior Specialist 1Senior Specialist 2USSALevel 100Level 200Level 300Level 400NW or National Clinic LeaderNW Divisional Staff Member (Alpine, Snowboard, etc)NW Examiner (Alpine, Snowboard, etc)NW Technical Team MemberNational Team MemberNon-Certified or Not-Current CertificationsPrevious PSIA-AASI Certifications (if any)e.g. Alpine Level 2, Snowboard Level 1, etc. - please list any certifications you previously held when you were a current PSIA-AASI MemberOther SkillsAdditional Non-Certified Skills Alpine Skiing Snowboarding Telemark Skiing Nordic Skiing Adaptive - Mono / Bi Ski Adaptive - Cognitive Adaptive - Visually Impaired Additional Language SkillsAmerican Sign LanguageAfrikannsAlbanianArabicArmenianBasqueBengaliBulgarianCatalanCambodianChinese (Mandarin)CroationCzechDanishDutchEnglishEstonianFijiFinnishFrenchGeorgianGermanGreekGujaratiHebrewHindiHungarianIcelandicIndonesianIrishItalianJapaneseJavaneseKoreanLatinLatvianLithuanianMacedonianMalayMalayalamMalteseMaoriMarathiMongolianNepaliNorwegianPersianPolishPortuguesePunjabiQuechuaRomanianRussianSamoanSerbianSlovakSlovenianSpanishSwahiliSwedishTamilTatarTeluguThaiTibetanTongaTurkishUkranianUrduUzbekVietnameseWelshXhosaOtherChoose all that apply. Hold down the "control" key while selecting multiple languages.Other Lanaguage Team Teach Date OptionsPlease choose 4 dates below that you'd like to schedule for your team teaches. At the completion of on-snow training you will have the opportunity to team teach with a trainer or experienced instructor before teaching on your own. Once you complete an Adult and Youth Lesson team teach, the additional team teach dates will be dropped and you are then eligible to be assigned lessons to teach on your own. It's possible to complete both team teaches on a single date depending on lesson volume. Once you complete your team teaches you'll start your regularly scheduled shifts.Team Teach Date 1(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Team Teach Date 2(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Team Teach Date 3(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Team Teach Date 4(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Preferred SchedulePreferred Shifts Please choose 4 to 5 shifts per week you can consistently be available to work to meet the full time instructor status of 30 or more scheduled hours per week. Shifts include day or night shift. Note that night shift has only one lesson time and is thus a shorter shift. You may choose only 4 shifts per week if the shifts you select are all DAY shifts and include a Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (example: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday). Thursdays and Fridays tend to be not as busy as Mondays and Wednesdays. We want to set you up for success this season and try to accommodate a consistent work schedule, however business volumes may require adjustment to your schedule. Just 4 day shifts will meet the Full-time commitment however may not sustain you financially. 5 shifts per week can be a lot, so pace yourself. Consider choosing 4 day shifts you can consistently make with the option to add a shift per week when we need extra help. Also see specific notes below on Day Shift and Night Shift needs. Some full-time instructors split their days by working 2 or 3 days, then taking a day off, then working 1 or 2 days and having 2 days off in a row. For example: Sat, Sun, Mon, Wed.Preferred start date for schedule(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Available Day Shifts Saturday Day Sunday Day Monday Day Tuesday Day Wednesday Day Thursday Day Friday Day Full-time instructors should work on peak days like Saturdays, Sundays, Monday holidays (MLK Jr, President's Day, etc.). Wednesday mid-week education in Jan/Feb are busy days. We need coverage on all Mondays and Tuesdays. Day shift on Thursdays and Fridays tend to be slower.Available Night Shifts Wednesday Night (Program Lessons Only) Thursday Night (Program Lessons Only) Friday Night - Program and Walk-up Lessons Saturday Night - Toyota Night Lessons! We do NOT have regular walk up night lessons other than Friday and Saturday nights and holidays. Mondays and Tuesday nights were are not open. NW Assoc. of Blind Athletes and WA State School for the Blind come on Wednesday and Thursday nights in Jan/Feb (dates TBA). Friday Night Programs in Jan/Feb are busy nights. Note to Snowboard Coaches: Chill Foundation comes on Wednesday and Thursday Nights in Jan/Feb.Share any comments you have about your schedule below