In order to submit your availability, you will need to be logged into the SNOWPRO PORTAL (like you are now).
- You will also need to be logged in to do certain other things like completing this course, signup for clinics, calling in sick etc.
- Your username is your email address.
- Your default password is: Powder360!@#
… and this information was emailed to you when your account was created. In fact if you are viewing this course now, you are already successfully logged in – good job!
- You may submit your season schedule only one time
- If you need to make significant revisions to what you submitted before it is approved, you will need to resubmit your entire schedule again
- If you have only minor revisions then you’ll use the Schedule Change Request Form on the homepage of the instructor portal or this URL:
Please review the information on the page:
… then choose either the Full Time or Part Time to let us know what days you are available this season.
- Once you’ve submitted your schedule, we will review and approve your dates, or reply back to you to adjust the days
- A notification via email will be sent to you with the days you committed to work.
- You will review and view your schedule in Dayforce – this is where we make the specific daily assignments for the days you’ve submitted to work.