Programs Lessons
Mt Hood Meadows offers a multi-week program almost every day of the week during our peak time of the season. Below is a list of the different programs we offer. Ask your Program Supervisors and Leads for more information.
- SnoBlasters – Elementary school-aged kids
- Trail Blazers – Middle school-aged kids
- SnoKids – Pre-school aged kids (may not run this season)
- High School and College – adults
- Evening programs – usually adults, Burton Chill, etc.
- Mid Week Educational – Elementary school-aged kids
Other Duties you may have as an Instructor:
- Greeter
- Boot Fitter in Rental Shop
- Check-in at CLC
- Run Kid’s Gear to the Lesson Meeting Areas
- Tech Skis/Boards – Only if Tech Certified
- Fun Zone Setup or Tear Down