Follow along while we create timesheets for a day’s worth of work.
A day shift has two lessons
- 9:30 am
- 1:00 pm
A night shift has one lesson:
- 5:30 pm
*You get paid for 2.25 hrs (2 hours and 15 minutes) for each lesson you teach because the 15 minutes before the lesson starts, you should be checking your students’ gear and creating trust while still in the corral. For example, enter the morning lesson as 9:15 am – 11:30 am, not 9:30am-1130am
You’ll submit many timesheets over the course of each shift.
Add a new timesheet for each new activity. If there is a break between one activity and the next, please leave that time blank between two timesheets. (For example, if you do not work during your lunch, please end your previous timesheet when you leave for lunch and start the next timesheet when you return from lunch.)
Please note:
Do not “Add meal” or “Add a transfer” to any timesheet.