Preview Weekend Maybe and Schedule Submission Delay – MLC Instructor Portal

Hello Meadows Learning Center Instructors!


It’s snowing. If we get the snow we are hoping over the next few days there is the possibility that we will have a “preview weekend” starting on Saturday. Check the website for details.


Thanksgiving Holiday forecast has one to two feet of snow falling at Mt. Hood Meadows

NOAA Forecast:


Temira’s Mt. Hood Forecast:


Alas the Schedule Submission tool is not quite ready. Don’t sweat it – we’ll have it for you soon. I was hopeful it would be ready today, however some minor last minute adjustments – like a single schedule form for both Alpine and Snowboard instructors – is going to need a little more time. So, plan on mid-NEXT WEEK for the schedule submissions to be ready. I promise I will send an email to you all letting you know when it’s ready.


It was so awesome to see so many of you during Orientation – to field questions about the upcoming season and get stoked for the snow to finally arrive, plus to cheers you at the social.


Here’s a link to the Meadows blog about this weekend:


Have a great Thanksgiving and stay tuned to the website about the preview day – again depending on snow fall over the next few days!


Yours in snow sports,







1 Comment
  1. mhm1718kentnelson 6 years ago

    would like to ski this preview wkend… if we need instructors , I am available to teach… also I am prepared to submit my schedule for review. shall I check in with HR to procure my season pass for this weekend.

    thanks, Kent

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