Programs will run tomorrow but we are expecting to be a little slower in walk-in business tomorrow Saturday 1/24. If anyone who is not on a program wants to trade tomorrow for another day of bigger need the help would be much appreciated. Or if you just want to pick up an extra day where we need help that would be much appreciated. Here are the days coming up that we could use more instructors in order of need.


Monday 1/26

Sunday 1/25

Friday 1/30


If you are interested in switching to one of those days or picking up one of them, please send me an email and let me know. Thank you for the help!



Similar to SOS which we have been working for many years we are working with the Burton Chill Foundation starting this season, teaching snowboarding to underprivileged kids. We could still use a couple more snowboard instructors who are interested in helping with this program. If you are interested in helping out go ahead and send me an email. The lessons run on Weds and Thurs evenings starting around 6pm. I’ve pasted the remaining schedule below:

Week Two:         January 28 and 29

Week Three:    February 4 and 5

Week Four:      February 11 and 12

Week Five:      February 18 and 19

Week Six:        February 25 and 26

Make Up:         March 11 and 12




We will have an employee appreciation dinner on Tuesday February 3rd. This is just a not to get it on everyone’s calendar and we will send more details out soon.


SAFETY, FUN, LEARNING in that order!

Here is a question, “Why do kids take lessons?” The typical answer is, “Because the parents signed them up," however that is the answer a parent would give (and maybe what a child would say AT THEIR FIRST LESSON). But if you ask that question to a child, especially after their first lesson, the answer should always be, “BECAUSE ITS FUN!”


The tenants of teaching snowsports are: SAFETY, FUN, LEARNING specifically in that order. Setup a teaching environment that is SAFE – this means choosing appropriate terrain (not going somewhere too challenging) and choosing safe stopping areas. Create an environment that is FUN – this means you create an activity or adventure or game that is FUN. When you create a SAFE and FUN environment LEARNING will occur. Yes, you must share information (teach/coach) during the FUN, where you have a purpose for the activity your are doing, but if you are too focused on LEARNING and not FUN, then you are wasting your time.


Keep in mind that a progression is a logical series of steps where the next step builds skills on the previous step, however this is a foundation for you to build from, and being student centered means adjusting the progression when necessary. For example, if a 4 to 6 year old is not “getting” one step of the progression, it is OK. Try it in a different order, try teaching it a different way – and remember anything goes in a shark attack and sometimes teaching is like a shark attack. This is the “real” vs. “ideal” concept. Yes, we want all our students to know how to do everything perfectly from step 1 to step 9 or 20 or 100, but this is not EVER going to happen. Keep in mind that when students are SAFE are having FUN they will LEARN. 


Business Cards and Pro Sites

More snow will come …. and in the mean time you can setup a Pro Site and order some business cards! There are already several part time instructors using their pro sites to share photos and video they have taken of their students – this is a great opportunity to connect with your clients and get more repeat and request private lessons. 


Step 1) If you want a Pro Site signup here – your profile will appear on the website too:


Step 2) If you want business cards order your business cards here:


This is a NEW business card design and allows for you to include a photo of yourself on the business cards. I will be sending in the next batch of business card orders on Sunday, so I need you to get your orders in by no later than Friday night.



There will be a mono ski (sit ski) clinic this Sunday at 4:00.  (Adaptive Clinics cannot be run with only 1 person….need at least 2…..) The more the merrier.



Clinics are now at 3:45pm!!! Clinics will be leaving the base area at 3:45, no later! If you don’t make it on time, wait at the bottom of MHX as every clinic will do one lap at least on MHX!


There are two way to access the training calendar from any computer or your smartphone! First will be if you want to access it from your own gmail account. The second will be if you do not have gmail or do not wish to use your own account.




1) Login to your gmail account

2) Click on the 9 squares in the upper right of your screen

  2a)That will open a drop down menu, click on "Calendar"

3)Click on "Other Calendars" on the left side of the screen

  3a) This will make a text box appear that says "Add a friends calendar"

           In this box type and hit enter

The training calendar will now be in your google calendar from now on!




1) Login to gmail using these credentials

   username: mhmclinics

   password:  345clinics

2) Click on the 9 squares in the upper right of your screen

  2a)That will open a drop down menu, click on "Calendar"

You should see the training calendar now!


Jeremy Riss

Director, Ski School and Guest Services

Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Resort

PSIA-NW Technical Team


P.(503)337-2222 ext. 1220




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