Welcome to Your Life – It’s been waiting for you! – MLC Instructor Portal

Hello fellow snow pros!


Steve Dowling was walking into the locker room this morning and I asked him casually, “How’s it going?” His answer was, “Living the dream!” I thought to myself, “Yeah, me too!”


Why do I share this with you? Well, I’ve been teaching snowsports since I was in high school and despite all the “other jobs” I’ve had since then, teaching snowsports is the one job I have done every winter since then I still love it. I know, the season seems to be “dragging on” for some – especially our full timers that have been giving it their all this week during Oregon Spring Break – thank you! But, keep in mind that we have some epic days of teaching and skiing/riding still to come this season – so let’s celebrate Spring Skiing, Riding and Teaching!


So, I have three girls 10 years of age and under, one who is almost 11, and she listens to current teenie-bopper music. Anyhow, we recently watched Secret Life of Pets – which is a fun movie and if you want to be able to connect with kids I highly recommend watching it – you’ll learn about how to get along with others, love, fear, friendship and what pets do when they’re left alone all day long . Anyhow, the theme song is Welcome to New York by Tailor Swift (yes, I know… not Led Zeppelin, and not even close). Anyhow, that song has an upbeat rhythm and the main repeating lyric is, “Welcome to New York. It’s been waiting for you…” And you can substitute “New York” with many different words, like, “Mt. Hood Meadows” and is more powerful when you substitute “New York” with “Your Life”. Listen to it here: https://youtu.be/8GO38hlVfyI


How do you view your job? Your life? It’s up to you and, “It’s been waiting for you ….”



Exit Interviews – please help us improve!

If you have completed your final shift of your schedule commitment, we’d like to know it so we can take you off the schedule. And we’d love to hear your thoughts on the season – what went well; what can we improve on. Please “exit” here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/current-staff/exit-interview



Co-worker of the Year Nominations

There are so many outstanding instructors on our staff and we want to hear from you on who you feel is the most awesome co-worker of the year. I know you want to nominate your supervisors or managers but they are not eligible. Please send us your nominations here:




Ski & Ride School End of the Season PAR-TAY!

Save the date: April 23, 2017 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm in the Alpenstube. Free beer. Free food. Raffle prizes. Money, money, money. Awards presentation and more free beer.




PSIA-AASI Level 2 and 3 Exams – Best wishes to those taking exams

There are around 8 to 10 instructors from Mt. Hood Meadows who are going for their Level 2 or 3 certifications this weekend at Stevens Pass and next weekend at Mt. Bachelor. If you see any of these folks, send them your good thoughts and best wishes. We are all rooting for you! These people include (in no particular order): Russ Van Orman, Steve Miller, Alex Pugliese, Evan Rajbhandari, Ashley Kastner, Cayce Pitts, Jeremy Dirk, Hallie Fall, Chris Barns, Justin Olson, Vijay Pothi Raj Govindaraj, Robin Santarius and a few more I am forgetting I’m sure!



PSIA-AASI Children and Freestyle Accreditations – April 22-23 at Mt. Hood Meadows

If you are wanting to become and official children’s or freestyle specialist you can sign up to attend a PSIA-AASI clinic at Mt. Hood Meadows on April 22-23. You must sign up in advance for these events (2 weeks in advance is ideal and avoids a late fee), so if you are thinking about it, please act ASAP. If people do not sign up in advance the event may be cancelled due to lack of interest, so don’t delay. Get the details below.

Children’s Specialist 1: http://www.psia-nw.org/event/childrens-specialist-1-5/?instance_id=2801

Freestyle Specialist 1: http://www.psia-nw.org/event/freestyle-specialist-1/?instance_id=2616

Freestyle Specialist 2: http://www.psia-nw.org/event/freestyle-specialist-2/?instance_id=2617



“Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.”


See you tomorrow!




p.s. I’ve said this before, but …



Paid Training, Mandatory Trainings, Voluntary Clinic – oh my!

There are paid trainings available both weekend days this weekend in Snowboarding and Skiing. If you want to fulfill some of your mandatory clinic hours and be paid, this weekend is a good option to get up to 6 hours. How do I get 6 hours when only 4 hours are listed? Attending a voluntary clinic counts if you complete a clinic evaluation form!


There have been a lot of questions – so let me help clear things up:

·         We’ll pay for you to attend 6 hours of “Paid Trainings” – those clinics that are designated as (Paid) in the clinic title on the instructor portal

o   You can view all upcoming Paid Trainings here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/training/upcoming-paid-clinics

o   You should sign up in advance for these clinics so they can be counted towards your clinic hours

·         You are required to attend at least 6 hours of training hours during the season

o   Those hours may include “voluntary” clinics you have attended this season

o   If you have attended a voluntary clinic and wish to have those hours counted towards your required 6 hours, please complete a Clinic Evaluation Form for each of the voluntary clinics you attended here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/training/clinic-evaluation-form

·         PSIA-AASI Members who are attending a PSIA-NW Event, Exam or Accreditation this season may count this participation as 4 of the 6 required training hours and should complete a Clinic Evaluation Form for the PSIA-NW clinic you attended here: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/training/clinic-evaluation-form




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