instructor update 4/12/16 – MLC Instructor Portal

Hi All,


Another great week done and this week is our last Monday-Friday Operations for the season.  We hope you enjoyed the fun in the sun.  Here is what’s coming up this week.


Scheduling Needs

·        Thank you everyone who made the last three 5th Grade Ski Days such a success.  The kids had a blast! Now the 3rd and 4th Graders want a chance.

o   3rd and 4th graders – Friday, April 15th – We will need around 10 instructors.

o   PE Takeover – Tuesday, May 24th and Thursday. May 26th


·        Meadows will be adjusting the days of operation starting April 17th.

    • Open Daily 9 AM- 4 PM through April 17
    • Friday, Saturday and Sunday April 22 – 24
    • Friday, Saturday and Sunday April 29 – May 1
    • Saturday and Sunday May 7 – 8 (Lifts run 9 AM – 2 PM)
    • Season Ending Party and Closing Day* Saturday May 14 (Lifts run 9 AM – 2 PM)
  • HRM and Nordic are closed for the season.

Upcoming Events

·        End of Season Ski and Ride School Party – Sunday, April 24th – we will be having our annual end of season party for Snowsports Services.  The Managers and Supervisors are busy voting on our top instructors for this season. 

o   You have until April 17th to vote for Co-Worker of the Year.  Sue has emailed you the finalist, so if you haven’t voted yet or want to make sure your favorite Co-Worker wins, email Sue at for your vote.


·        PSIA/AASI  – Upcoming Events happening in the next few weeks. You can sign up for the Level 1 exams and the Member Ski School Clinics on and the other clinics on .

o   April 16-17th – Senior Specialist and here is a link with more information about the program and also the study materials: 

o   April 16-17th – Meadows Exams (please reserve your spot now)

o   April 23rd and 24th – Member Ski School Clinics

§  Cost is $50 with educational credit, $40 without educational credit. Sign up thru snow pro portal or email  

§  Registration begins at 8am in the Snoblaster Room.

o   April 23 – 24th – Children’s Specialist 1

o   April 23-24th – Freestyle Specialist 1 and 2

o   Level 1 Exams (Dates and Info will be on the snowproportal)


·        Congratulations to Katie Feucht, who was chosen to be featured in PSIA’s Member Spotlight.  Check her out at:

o   Know an exemplary instructor who should be featured in a future Member Spotlight? Tell them about the Member Spotlight submission form!

·        Human Resources has sent out another Employee Survey, the subject is workplace dynamics.  Please don’t forget to complete it by April 20th.

·        Employee Survey Comments – We want you to know that we take all of your comments seriously and have already made some changes in our day to day operations and are busy making plans for the future on how we can make your experience working here better.  We found your comments fit into four categories that you felt needed more attention from our Supervisors and Managers; Communication and Feedback, Training, Staffing, and Pay.  Each week we will be sending out our Action Plan for the things we can change now and what we will do starting next season.  This week’s Action Plan is for Training.

o   Training Action Plan

§  Immediate Action

·         Tracy is starting to create clinic topics for next year and is taking feedback right now on what types of clinics you want to attend.  Contact him at

·         We are continuing to offer clinics every day after line-up times as staffing allows.

§  Future Plans

·         We will be offering a more comprehensive snowproportal training at the beginning of next year, so all staff is more familiar navigating the site and knowledgeable about all it has to offer.  There will also be a paper copy of the user manual for the snowproportal near the computer for ease of navigation.

·         We will be adding on to the New Hire Training manual that includes information on what happens off the snow like recaps, Administration things to know and where to go, and any FAQS that come up when first starting a new job.

·         We plan to hire a Full Time Training supervisor for next season.

Guest Comments

·        English was our instructor, we had a small group this time, it was so nice.  He was able to progress our group onto the next stage.  It was great!  He is very patient, and gave us very helpful hints.  He is awesome!

·        English (David) took time with us as the 2nd lesson we were still not ready hit the slopes.  The class was much smaller which allowed for better instruction.  David (English) is a great instructor understanding the student’s needs and molding the instruction to the individual’s needs.



Josey Rice

Ski and Snowboard School Assistant Manager

Mt Hood Meadows Ski Resort

503.337.2222 Ext 1359



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