If you have not had a chance to look at the meadows cameras today you should! Welcome back winter!

We will begin our winter operations beginning tomorrow and a pre-view night on Saturday that will include the evening lesson.


If you are planning to instruct fulltime this season and you have not contacted a supervisor please do so. There is still room for you!


Due to the resort not operating yesterday (wed 9th) the returning instructor training clinic has been rescheduled for tomorrow Fri 11th followed by Saturday and Sunday. If you are interested in attending and you have not signed up please do so by visiting https://mhm.snowportal.com under Clinics & Training. This is very helpful for trainers as a way from having big groups, if we know you are coming we are able to plan for your participation.


As Tyler continues to build the mhm snow pro portal site he is sharing two great ways for communication. First is a “public profile” that will allow students to learn more about individual instructors like “I wonder when I can book an all-day private lesson with Mark Fischer”

The other way for better communications is with SMS Alerts.

See below to learn more about both opportunities to be better informed.


Public Profiles

Let’s celebrate YOU with your public profile! Not only does this search tool provide an element of this decision making process for our guests, it also promotes our Ski & Snowboard School staff on the Skihood.com website, which is the largest department at Mt. Hood Meadows. Your personalities and dedication to teaching snow sports are what make our school great!

Go here for more information: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/your-public-profile/


SMS Alerts

The best way to stay informed of up-to-the-minute Mt Hood Meadows Ski & Snowboard School operations is to subscribe to our SMS messaging service. Simply add your name and mobile number and you will be added to our SMS messaging service. This is used primarily for late breaking updates to scheduling needs or revised operations due to weather. You can easily unsubscribe at any time. 

Go here for more information: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/sms-alerts/


The forecast is for more snow throughout the weekend. Plan early for winter driving conditions and drive with the responsibility code in mind.


I hope to see everyone soon.


Mark Fischer

Mt Hood Meadows Resort

Ski and Snowboard School Manager

Adaptive Snow Sports Manager

503-337-2222 x1288







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