Whoever wished for white Christmas thank you very much!!
It has been a great start to the season so far and we can only believe it will be getting better.
This update is one of the longer ones so far but there are many important points to be familiar with regarding our ski & snowboard school and company news!
Our instructor staff has been growing in numbers over the last two weeks and with the completion of the hiring training over this coming weekend you are apt to run into new faces. Let’s make sure we welcome all of the new instructors to our team the same way we each were welcomed on our first day at Mt Hood Meadows.
I want to thank everyone for their perseverance while working through the new hiring process. With any new process there are always new things to learn, it is safe to say we diffidently learned a lot on this one!
If you haven’t heard nights will begin tomorrow for the season. This means evening lessons!! Line up time is 4:45pm and the lesson is from 5-7pm Wednesday – Sunday. Opened for night operations also mean training clinics. Clinics will begin on January 9th, meeting time is at 3:45pm at the adult walk in lesson area located just outside of the rental shop. These instructor training clinics are a great way to meet new staff members while having a blast ripping it up.
Great things are happening at Cooper Spur this weekend with the possibility of opening. Cooper Spur is located down towards Hood River just off of highway 35 about 20 minutes from Meadows. This is a great family resort with one chairlift a rope tow and a hundred years of history. Our ski and snowboard school also provide instructors to the little school at Cooper. When the resort opens I will be looking for instructor staff to teach there. The need is generally is four or five instructors per day. If you would like more information on teaching at Cooper Spur please let me know and I would be glad to share details with you.
The I.T. department is still working on a fix for the RTP link on the snow pro portal to work. Once the link is live you will be able to login to RTP to view your submitted schedule. In the time being if you need a copy of your submitting schedule please contact Sue at sue.overby@skihood.com or Tracy at tracy.thomsen@skihood.com
I mentioned in a previous update the need to remove and type of coat hangers, wire coat hooks or anything else that may protrude out of the locker. The main hallway is looking good , however the lounge lockers are not looking so hot. This causes a huge safety concern since most of what is protruding are wire coat hangers. Please do your part to remove these if this is you! There are many different types of hangers available to fill the need. Keep in mind that any type of hooks or organizers you install in your locker is completely removable.
Thank you for helping out.
I have had many requests to make more weekday returning instructor clinics available. I am in the process to do this and will let everyone know the dates once I have the clinics scheduled.
Below are a few comments for some new and pretty cool features available on the www.mhm.snowproportal.com site as well as a company update from our leadership team.
Searchable Public Profiles
We had our first searchable public profile request on Tuesday. It was a 2 person, 2 hour request with a part time instructor. You should submit your public profile so you can be requested for a lesson – this is a great way to promote yourself, your availability and your passion. Go here for details: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/your-public-profile/
And see what it looks like on the Skihood.com website here: https://www.skihood.com/lessons-and-rentals/about-ski-school/find-your-instructor
Text Message Updates
Want to know if you’ve been called off? Or if there has been an accident on Hwy 26? If so then sign up for SMS alerts. It’s so easy and we can let you know the up-to-the-minute details. Go here for details: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/sms-alerts/
Upcoming Clinic Info
Do you want to know what clinics and events are happening this weekend really easily? If so just subscribe to the clinic and event calendar feed by subscribing to our calendar feed in your favorite calendar app or email client. Clinic info will automatically update on your calendar with quick links right to the page on the portal to sign up to attend. Just use this URL: https://mhm.snowproportal.com/events.ics when adding a subscription feed. If you are not sure how to do this in your favorite app below are some links.
Google: https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37100?hl=en
Mac Calendar: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH11523?locale=en_US
Outlook/Office: https://support.office.com/en-my/article/View-and-subscribe-to-Internet-Calendars-f6248506-e144-4508-b658-c838b6067597
Remember the “Please rate your overall employee experience” graph from orientation? Our season long goal is to average over 8.5 when guests answer this question. We are excited to let you know that results from last weekend are in at just over 8.6! Great work everyone! The positive vibe and strong engagement with our guests is extremely evident around the resort. We very much appreciate all your efforts to get us off this this great start!
“Staff were super nice and helpful. Rental gear was well kept. For my very first time skiing, it was a very streamlined process, so I didn’t feel completely lost around the lodge or lifts. Also, the Black Friday specials were a great deal!”
“Everyone is so friendly and helpful. Runs are nice, and they do a great job grooming.”
Now that we are open for the season, we will begin running our full bus schedule.
You can find out what buses are scheduled to operate and find other important information about employee transportation here… https://www.skihood.com/employee-services/employee-transportation.
Keep in mind that the bus schedule changes in accordance with business volume, staffing levels, and/or weather: Check the website for the most up to date schedule!
It is important to familiarize yourself with the parking maps and code of conduct. Parking only in designated spaces helps maintain our relationship with local businesses. Scroll to the bottom of this website: https://www.skihood.com/employee-services/employee-transportation to see parking maps and the employee bus code of conduct. If you see someone parking in the wrong spot please speak up help them out!
DIRECT DEPOSIT users can go entirely paperless with electronic Pay Stubs!
iPay statements through ADP allow you to access your pay information anywhere you have access to internet. Instead of waiting for your pay stub to arrive or requesting information through Human Resources, you can go straight to this website. As a bonus, you get environmental kudos for reducing the amount of paper generated each week. This service is only available to Direct Deposit users, if you haven’t signed up visit HR!
Here is how to sign up for iPay Statements through ADP:
- Go to https://paystatements.adp.com
- Click on “Register Now”
- Enter the self-service registration pass code: MtHoodMLTD-ADP
- It will ask you if you want to set up an account. Hit yes, then enter e-mail, name and SS#
- Click register now, and follow prompts to create password
- In “Available ADP Services” menu, click iPayStatements
- You will be prompted to re-log in, then click “Go Paperless”
- Follow prompts to access statements online only
From this log-in portal you can also access past pay statements, W-2 forms and update your W4 anytime! You can use the computer in Human Resources, and we’d be happy to help you out.
If you aren’t already signed up for the Meadows Enews we encourage you to register, it is a great way to get the same information that is being sent to guests and stay up to date on upcoming events: https://www.skihood.com/about-us/enews-signup.
After a tough season last year some folks out there might be regretting their decision to not renew their season pass. It’s great to let them know they can still have many options from 5 time, 10 time, mid-week and many more options are available to get them a better deal than just buying a day ticket https://www.skihood.com/store/season-passes/specialized-passes. Even day tickets are cheaper when bought online in advance through the website https://www.skihood.com/store/lift-tickets
For those that did have a pass last season, renewal pricing only went up $40 after the deadline. Renewal will go up to full price after Sunday Dec. 13th.
For those looking for great deals or Christmas Gifts we currently have a Holiday Store section of the website online where customers can check out the “Deal of the Day” and get some great gift ideas: https://www.skihood.com/store/holiday-store.
The snow has been great, come up and enjoy!
Mark Fischer
Mt Hood Meadows Resort
Ski and Snowboard School Manager
Adaptive Snow Sports Manager
503-337-2222 x1288