Alpine Level 3 Mock Exam. We will offer this all day mock exam to prepare you for the real deal. The clinic day will be modeled after the actual exam format. The morning session will be lead like the on-snow skiing module. The afternoon session will be led like the on-snow teaching module.
This will be a great opportunity for you to perform the skiing and teaching tasks in an exam-like format with specific feedback relative to your performance as it measures up to the PSIA National Standards.
Heads up! Be advised that if you intend to take the Level 2 or Level 3 exam modules you must be a current PSIA-AASI member as well as pass the written exam 30 days prior to the on-snow module. Written exams are on-line and administered by PSIA-NW. Please review the PSIA-NW Event Calendar for exam module details
Be sure to sign up for this mock exam well in advance as space is limited and we invite instructors from other Mt. Hood schools to attend this session.
Signups are closed for this event.
Who's Coming?
- Jeff Good
- Zenner Carla
- Rus VanOrman