Space is limited to a maximum of 8 people per exam group. You must be a member of PSIA-AASI NW to participate. You must sign up in advance for this exam on-line and complete the on-line exam prior to the on-snow portion of the exam.
In order to participate in the Alpine Level 1 Exam you must signup on the PSIA-NW website and complete the prerequisites including:
A minimum of 10 practical teaching hours
A minimum of 10 Level 1 clinic/training hours – see clinic calendar for these dates/times
- Complete a Season’s Training and Teaching Synopsis
- Join PSIA-NW & National at an annual cost of $117 (on-line)
- Pay the Level 1 exam fee – $25 and pass the Level 1 exam (on-line)
- Take and pass the on-snow portion of the exam
- Details about the Level 1 Exam process can be found here:
Please ask our training staff if you have specific questions about the process.
Exam Application
You must be a current PSIA-AASI and PSIA-NW member to signup for the Level 1 Exam.
You must signup for the on-line written and have a passing score submitted via email to Tyler Barnes 2 days prior – signup here:
You must signup in advance on the PSIA-NW website for the on-snow portion. Go to the PSIA-NW website event calendar and find the Level 1 exam for your date and location here:
Signups are closed for this event.
Who's Coming?
- Joe Parker
- Michele Bishai
- Ben Pellegrom
- Katie Feucht
- Paul Petrusich
- Kate Lundin