If you participated in our new instructor training days and were offered a position as a cadet or you are not yet 16 years of age but want to become an instructor, the Cadet Program might be for you!

Cadets are invited to shadow lessons, come to additional training days and participate in our voluntary evening clinics for skiing/riding improvement and teaching improvement topics. If you participated in the new hire training days, we will review the feedback sheets from your trainers with you regarding your four days of new hire training and the areas of improvement necessary for you to be invited onto our instructor staff.

As a Cadet, you are technically not an employee yet, but would receive a lift pass on a day you have signed up in advance to cadet. However, you don’t just show up and say, “I’m here to cadet!” – We need advance notice so we can plan how to best help you on your cadet day. Many cadets are promoted to full instructor the same season given that they show the motivation and willingness to learn more, and do what it takes to become an instructor.

Things that can help you be promoted to full instructor include:

  • knowing the MHM Ski & Ride School Manual content,
  • knowing the beginner progression,
  • understanding PSIA-AASI concepts like the CAP Model, The Teaching Cycle, The Teaching Model, different learning styles, etc.
  • and by completing the On-line Lesson Shadow Submission Form when you shadow a lesson – this helps us track your cadet attendance and your takeaways from your time with us.

How to Participate

If you’d like to participate in the Cadet Program please email Tyler Barnes, Ski & Ride School Training Manager at Tyler.Barnes@skihood.com and we will arrange for you to be on the cadet list.

Once on the Cadet List, we need 2 days notice for you to participate as a cadet on a particular day to shadow lessons, come to evening clinics, etc. Please email Tyler 2 days ahead of the day you wish to cadet so we can plan your time with us for maximum benefit to you and us.


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